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Double apdate guys!!!

My brother wants me to put some dragrace here but fortunatly it didnt suit it well, so I will put it in its original plot whicg means I need to type it all over again But I will make sure that this thing would suit it well. Since I really plan it this way.

Enjoy guys!

" But, our group wasnt here? " me and Angela asked as We looked at Kevin.

~~~~< ELLA'S POV >~~~~

" what? Do you want guy? " Kevin asked ignoring the question of Jessica Unnie.

" how about the Errand of my Company and mom? " I asked as I raise my brow as I crossed my arms.

" How about you two? " he asked again as he look at the two who were now sitting together.

" were in" The two said as They look at me " Ella? " they called me , asking if what my desicions is.

" what else can I do? This is my life, so Iam in! " I said as their face became bright and smiled at my desicions,

" but the problem is , we cant make it to the battle, so how? " I asked as the two frowned as the phone of Kevin ring.

~~~~< AUTHOR'S POV >~~~~

" Hey guys!!! " kris called his co members when they arrive at their dorm as The dorm next door became busy, but the Guys didnt notice him because their dorm became noisy like a zoo,

" HEY GUYS!!!! " kris called his co members again but this time he shouted and thats the time that the other members except for Suho to put their attention to Kris, as for Suho, he keep scrolling his phone as he walk Directly in his own Room.

" Manager said that we will have a tv appearance tommorrow afternoon so we better sleep early tonight because we will have a practice early tommorrow, then after the tv Appearance we will have a photoshoot. Okay Guys we all should call this day A Day, " kris said as the EXO hoots, as all of them entered their respective rooms except for two,

Who were them?? Xiumin and Kris who were still now discussing on what was the paper Kevin gave the three girls that makes them that very happy even Ella Xiumin's own sister,

It was his first time in almost 8 years that they were apart, that he saw his little sister to be happy that it can make her problem forgot and even their mother issue, she even forgot?

The two were in the living room and nobody spoke to the voth of them because they were busy thingking on what happend to the girls and the matter on what the papars said and what can they do to help Ella to her errand and to Suzy the Mother of their co member: Xiumin and their new found friend Ella,


Lay was sleeping soundly but Suho, was kinda confuse on what happend awhile ago just exactly what Kris and Xiumin was thingking,

~~~~< SUHO'S POV >~~~~

I was now in my room I was planning to sleep the moment I step in my shared room with Lay, but HELL! I dont know what was happening to me , I really am not Usually like this, being cold with a person wasnt my style, but I cant help when Ella was around, I feel like I wanted to act cool to her. And I wanted all her attention to be just only to me and me only, I was kinda being mad whenever she was talking to other guys specially to that Kevin Guy, I dont get it actually and to their sudden change of mood ( I was really thingking hard to what that word again but srl, It was like 1:25 am so Iam lazy to find the right word XD! )

and one more thing what was the content of that stupid paper, that kevin Guy gave to the 3 girls awhile ago? And why the HELL ELLA WAS BEING LIKE A SWEET GIRL INFRONT OF KEVIN AFTER SHE SAID YES TO WHATEVER THE CONTENT OF THAT DUMB PAPER!! AND WHY THE HELL MY BRAIN ONLY THINKS ABOUT HER!? WHAT'S WRONG WITH ME!

Tsk tsk tsk! As my brain is busy thingking of Ella, grrr!!! Why this brain being bitter at Ella by the way? Tsk!

I decided to go the kitchen and get some milk wishing that it can call the spirit of sleepiness ( I dont even knew if their is a word like that haha! XD! ) as I sat up in my bed I walk to the living room and found Kris and Xiumin discussing about something, I was thingking that, maby they could help me find out what really am feeling about Ella.

As I took an glass I heard foot steps coming in the living room, As I turn around I saw Xiumin leaning his back at the door frame,

" Do you still have a problem to my Little sister Suho? " Xiumin asked me as I drink my water, as I shrug my shoulder as an answer.

" I dont know. I dont know what I feel whenever Ella was around, like I wanted her to noticd me and only me, but this me being cold to her wasnt my intention. " I explained as Kris walk to the kitchen and look at me,

" what do you mean it wasnt your intention to be cold towards her? " Xiumin asked as I heave a sigh.

" Like tgeir was this someone inside me that controls me when Ella was around and when someone was near her their is this feeling that I wanted to kill that someone whenever he was making her smile, " I explained as my hyungs smirk at my explanation, " What? " I asked as I blink my eyes 3 times.

" your inlove bro " Xiumin hyung and Kris hyung said the same time.

" what? " I asked like clearing if I teally heard right that they told me that Iam inlove

" we said youre inlove " the both of them said the same time again,
Srl? What did this two ate? My inner voice said.

" What!? Me!? Inlove? " I asked and they both nodded their heads.


Cliff hanger hahaha!
But lets look forward to the next update.

See you soon guys!


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