Last day of school

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As Mallina,Eddie,Olivia,Richie,and Stanley were walking out of their last class,Richie and Mallina were making crude jokes about Eddies mother. "Shut the fuck up!" Eddie snapped. "Yeah,grow up!" Stanley agreed as Richie and Mallina broke out in hysterics. "Awwww. Come on,Ed's,what's wrong with a few jokes?" Richie sighed. "Yeah,can't take the heat?" Mallina commented before nudging both Eddie and Stan in the rib cage.

Mallina and Richie were both two halves of a whole idiot. Both always making jokes,and getting into joke wars,trying to see who could get a reaction out of Stanley and Eddie first. "Well,jokes are fine,but you guys are just dumb,annoying bitches." Olivia commented. "Damn,Olivia. I see you." Richie said as he adjusted his glasses. Olivia was really outgoing and kind most of the time,although,she could be a bitch when she wanted to. Still. It surprised them every time she made a bitchy comment.

Olivia rolled her eyes as she began to make small-talk with Stanley. Then,they passed The Bowers gang. They were picking on a group that consisted of Ben,McKayla,and Violet.

Ben,was a sweet boy,yet he got made fun of for his weight. Which wasn't fair at all. McKayla,was really sweet also. None of the kids really understood why she would get bullied. She was very pretty,and had an amazing personality. Yet,she got bullied because she enjoyed reading. Which,once again,wasn't fair at all. Violet was (once again) very sweet (from the few words Richie had heard her speak). She was also very pretty. From what everyone could see,she had no flaws. Yet,she got called "Mute Girl". Which she was in fact not. She just didn't feel the need to talk to people. Which got her labeled as "The Weird Kid". Which (wow what a shocker),wasn't fair at all. Guess that's just the way it is in Derry.

Henry,Jack,Belch,and Patrick found joy in bullying kids. (Besides Stanley Uris for some reason). Henry has taken McKayla's book whilst she jumped up and down in an attempt to grab it,Belch was holding Bens shirt up while Jack slapped his stomach,and Victor was moving Violets lips up and down yelling at her to speak.

They all shook their heads in unison "They're disgusting." Richie muttered,and they all agreed.

(A/N: I'm gonna Brayden in the next chapter. And I know Violet,McKayla,and Jack didn't have any lines,I just wanted to introduce them. I'm really excited for this!)

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