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This isn't an update but I thought I would go more into detail about the character's Personalities to help readers understand them more. This chapter isn't mandatory to the plot or anything so you can skip if you want.

Overall Personalities


● Acts tough, like he doesn't care.

● Will be touchy at any time in any space regardless.

●Does everything he can to annoy the people he loves.

●Handles physical pain well, emotional not so much.

● Easily jealous and very overprotective.

●Won't let anyone see him break down, tries to control his anger but almost always fails.

●Keeps mostly to himself but will get into trouble for certain people.

●Pretty reckless but can try to be responsible sometimes.

●Has a soft spot but it's hard to get to.

● Doesn't always learn from his mistakes; Will often allow toxic people back into his life more than once.

●Biggest pet peeve is being lied to or not being told what's going on also being called a liar when he's not lying.

●Biggest fear is letting people down and spiders, duh.



● Acts tough but is lowkey a softie.

● Will be touchy in public but stops if you want him to, is more affectionate when alone.

● Can be annoying but mostly only towards Nick.

● Handles physical pain okay, but let's his thoughts get to him.

● Doesn't mind crying in front of others but doesn't like to talk.

● Keeps mostly to himself, only really worries about his family and his boyfriend.

● Definitely the more responsible brother but can do some dumb stuff sometimes.

● Likes to cuddle a lot, Netflix and chill type of vibes but doesn't mind partying every so often.

● Biggest pet peeve is not being listened to and being called by his last name. "Lopez? What's Lopez? Don't ever call me by my last name." - Tony Lopez 2020

● Biggest fear is loosing the people he loves especially Nick.



Definitely is "the big bro" kind of guy.

● Big simp.

● Kind of a player, but doesn't have much time for girls.

● Likes to stay out late but not too late.

● Is there for you if you need him, doesn't play when it comes to family and will fight you.

● Is pretty chill overall likes to just enjoy the vibes but can get aggressive.

● Biggest pet peeve is Ondreaz, heh.

● Biggest fear is his sister getting hurt.



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