Maybe a drink or two

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"Come on Ali, it's my hen night and you have to come. You're the maid of honour after all" my sister Eve batted her eyelashes at me as she pulled her infamous puppy dog face to try and win me over.

Ugh, how could I say no to my perfect little sister.

"Alright fine, I'll come for maybe a drink or two. But I have work tomorrow as usual so it won't be a late night thing I'm afraid" Eve immediately squealed and grinned as she threw her arms around me.

"We're going to have sooo much fun. All of our friends will be there too! Maria, Alexis, Dani, Stacey-"

"Please tell me you didn't actually invite Stacey" I quickly cut her off as she brushed it aside and took out her purse from her bag.

"Like i said all our friends will be there, you need to let your hair down for once Ali. Now come on help me pick an outfit!" She linked her arm with mine as she practically dragged me into the next store.

When she said all of "our" friends, she definitely just meant all of hers. Eve and I were the complete opposites. She was friendly and down to earth and loved helping everyone. I was cold, blunt and downright selfish.

And I loved it.

I couldn't believe she was actually going to go through with this wedding, and marry that dumbass Jake. He barely knew the difference between a horse and a donkey.

She was also only 19. If you ask me she has her whole life ahead of her, there was no reason for her to get tied down so early on. She could've had way more fun, like me.

"Oooh this is cute!" She exclaimed as she picked up a pink halter dress with sequins across the hem.

"Oh yeah cute"

Looks like a unicorn threw up on it.

"You should find something for yourself. You never know, you might meet the one tonight" I frowned at her before bursting out laughing.

"Not likely"

I rummaged threw the rack of clothes in front of me but still didn't manage to find anything suitable there. I took a walk around the shop and my eyes fell on the perfect little black dress, it was short, sexy and pure perfection.

If I'm going to go out I may as well look the part.

I found my size and headed over to the till where my sister was also waiting to pay. There was no need for me or Eve to try our dresses on. I mean we were blessed with petite hourglass frames.

Although my ass was way peachier than hers.

"That'll be $1200" the cashier said looking back at Eve. Eve went to pay for it but I quickly threw my dress on the counter.

"Oh no I'll pay for it, this one too please" I said as Eve thanked me.

"Consider it an early wedding gift"

"Okay so the total is now $2400" The cashier spoke again as I took out my card from my purse.

My credit card is like my baby.

"Thank you, enjoy your day" The cashier called out again as we took our bags and headed out of the store.

"So we meet at Chicago's at 8, pleaaaaase don't be late Alina"

"Sure, I'll be there" we exchanged another hug before I climbed into my limo and she went into hers.

"Home please Jeffery" I called out. Jeffery nodded and began to drive off.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 22, 2020 ⏰

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