Emergency Meeting

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After the Ceremony…

Seven people were inside an office, seven portraits hanging behind a desk on the wall. A tall man with blond hair and a lavender ombrè spoke up first. “Headmaster, this is about that girl, isn’t it?” he asked, which elicited a nod from Crowley.

“It is, Vil.” he answered, “This never happened in the history of this school. From what Cater-kun said she has no idea where she is, let alone heard of this school. I can only assume she’s not from this world.”

“Then she isn’t safe beyond the campus.” a short redheaded man spoke up, “If she’s not from our world as you say she could be, that means she has no place to go. She could die if we let her outside the campus.”

A silver-haired gentleman with glasses sighed, “Riddle, we’re all aware of that.” He turned to Crowley “Headmaster, wouldn’t it be better if she is put in a role where she’s on campus?”

“Ooh, you mean like a student?” an energetic voice interjected, a man with tan skin and bright red eyes smiling. A sigh could be heard from a floating blue tablet.

“Kalim-kun, you know this is an all-boys school, even if she’s a student we still don’t know if she would be considered one.” Crowley sighed, face in his hands.

A knock was heard at the door. “Headmaster, it’s Trey. I have the girl with me as well.” After being told to come in, the door opened and a tall green-haired man entered the Headmaster’s office followed shortly by a girl shorter than him with pumpkin-colored hair.

“We’d like to have your opinion on something. Bridget, was it?” Crowley asked, Bridget simply nodding her head and looking at her feet. “It’s going to take some time until we figure out a way back, and you’re not safe beyond the campus, what would you like to do?” She shrugged her shoulders, still averting her eyes to the floor.

“Even if I remain here, it’s still an all-boys school. If I ever become a student, which is already low as-is, I wouldn’t understand what will be taught. I can’t even use magic.” she answered, fidgeting with her hands.

“There’s also another issue,” Trey asked, “if Bridget’s staying on campus, where will she stay?” Riddle cocked an eyebrow at the question.

“I could let her stay in Octavi-” Azul suggested before being cut off.

“You just want another contract, octo punk.” Leona quipped, crossing his arms and unconsciously swishing his tail rapidly from side-to-side.

“You two, stop arguing.” Crowley ordered, “I’d rather have Bridget’s opinion before anyone else’s input. I’m allowing her to stay for I am generous. Miss Bridget, do you have any requests for your living accommodations?”

Bridget opened her mouth for a brief moment, until closing her mouth. Several seconds of silence fell upon the room until she spoke. “I live with two brothers, due to something in my world the eldest came back from uni and my other older brother’s been staying home and starting uni himself. It’s really draining since I’m used to them either doing some sort of activity outside of home. I’d rather live by myself.”

“You’d prefer being by yourself? There’s a dorm that currently has no occupants, but it’s collected a lot of dust. We’ll have to clean it up so the dust levels are easier on your lungs when you’re living there.” Crowley said, and Bridget nodded in acknowledgement. “Everyone’s dismissed!” Crowley ordered, and the dorm leaders, Trey, and Bridget exited the office.

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