Chapter 1: Psychiatry

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I'm happy you found my story and I hope you'll enjoy it.
I don't own The Maze Runner. The original story and it's Chrackter belomg to James Dashner.


"Why exactly did we agree to this?" A black haired boy asked, when he was hiding behind a tree with his friend.

"Because Gally said he would give us 200$ if we do it. And I could really need them. My hair gel is nearly empty." Said the other one, black haired too, but an Asian.

"Seriously, Minho? You are doing all this because of some money for hair gel? Why can't you buy that for 10$ like other people?" The other one whispered to Minho, during running to the next tree.

Now there was only a wall in their way. But they had a plan for that. They found an old tunnel system which led to the basement. The entry for it was right next to the wall, hidden under lawn.

"Because I'm special, Thomas. And special people, like me, have special hair, like mine, and special hair need special care and special care needs money" Minho explained to his friend and seaerched on the ground for the entrance. When he found it, he grabbed the ring of the door in the earth and opened it. There was a loud screeching sound.

"Can't you be a little bit more careful?" Thomas hissed. He got out a flash light to light the room under them.

An old ladder led down and neither of the boys were sure if they would really use it. Minho grabbed a rope and tied it to a tree. "You can do whatever you want but I won't step on this ladder!" With that he jumps into the hole, and got down slowly by holding the rope.

After he was down Thomas grabbed the rope too and did the same. Minho had already got out his flashlight and lit up the tunnel.

"I hate you for this!" Thomas muttered under his breath and started moving.


When they finally got into the basement, Minho kicked out the grille of the ventilation shaft. It landed loudly on the floor.

"If you don't stop being so loud, we will get caught. And I don't want to explain to my parents, why I was in a madhouse full of Psychos at midnight!"

Minho shushed him immediately and took the stairs to get to the ground floor. On every single step the stairs crackled. Thomas repeated "We get caught, we get caught we get caught" over and over in his head.

They were able to make it to the first floor, when they heard noises, someone was whistling.
Actually they wanted to go into a room from one of the less crazy people, but it looked like they had no other choice and had to go into the room of someone, who could be very crazy. They hadn't informed themselves good. They had just wanted to know, where the rooms were with the people, who could get out soon of this place.

Thomas opened the next door with the key, which they stole from the receptionist, who had beenasleep. Both hoped that the person inside was either asleep or if not, wouldn't try to kill them.

They locked the door again and stared at the person on the bed. It was a blonde boy, probably their age, who was holding something in his right hand. It didn't seem like he noticed the boys yet.

When they were looking closer, they saw that the thing in the boy's hand was a knife. Horror flew through Minho and Thomas, when the boy hold the knife against his wrist and cut in it. Not deep and not in the vein, but close to it. And he was moving the knife directly in the direction of his veins, going deeper into his skin with every second.

The teenagers stormed forward. Minho pushed the boy back on his mattress, while Thomas was moving the knife away.

Blondie looked shocked, but didn't say a word, because the footsteps of the person outside were stopping at the door and someone fiddled with keys. Thomas and Minho looked at each other, before hiding under the boy's bed.

The door was opened by an old man. He walked over to the boy on the bed and stopped before him. "What did I told you, huh?" The boy didn't answer. "To take some sleep. You will need it tomorrow. I will bring you to your new school, remember?" Minho heard, how the old man patted the boy's shoulder. "Get some rest. I will be back tomorrow at seven, okay?" Obviously the Blondie had nodded because the guy was leaving and saying a good night to his patient.

After that the boy looked under his bed. He watched the two boys irritated and gave them a mention to come out, so did they.

"Sorry for disturbing and probably scaring you" Thomas said. "We made a deal with a friend. Sneak in hear and take a photo with a patient. So uhhhm, would you mind?" He was holding his mobile in his hands for the boy to see it, who shook his head. "Great, thanks"

The boy was looking emotionless in the camera and Thomas took a quick shot. "Come on, Minho, let's get our asses outta here." He wanted to grab his friend's arm, but the Asian was looking at the patient's name etiket on the bed.

"Thomas", he said, pointing at the etiket. "Newt Isaac Newton" he read out loud. "Mrs. Jacobs told about him two days ago, remember? She said were are going to have a new classmate in the next few days. Someone with the name Newt Isaac Newton!" "You mean..." Minho nodded and faced the boy on the bed again. "Our new classmate is a Psycho."

Sorry for my grammar. I'm not a native speaker so please correct me, when I make mistakes. And please tell me, what you think of this story and the idea.


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