Chapter 1 ( Newt's POV)

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I just got my food for dinner. Mr George sat in front of me, watching me and take care of me, so I wouldn't do anything stupid with the knife in my right hand.

He was a friendly man. The only one I trusted a little bit. Because he was the only one, who had really tried to talk to me and get close, when others had already given up. But it was just a bit, because I didn't trust anyone. I learned that in hospital.

But back to my dinner. I wasn't really hungry, like everyday. I just sat there, with the knife in my hand and two pieces of bread on the plate on my lap. Then some cheese, salami, butter, ham and a few other things to eat on another plate.

"Newt, you know, I won't go until you ate at least a half bread. So why do you always have to hesitate?" That was a good question. I knew this led to nothing but I always did this all over again. Why did I always have to be such a disappointment to everyone? I made the life of this man difficult. He had so many patients, who weren't as annoying and disappointing as I am.

Slowly I took some butter on my half piece of bread and ley some cheese on it. I forced myself to take a bite and I almost puked, when I was swallowing  it down. "Good boy, good boy. Just continue. Only a few bites more"


After I had eaten a half bread Mr George had left. So now I was laying on my bed with a stomach ache. Anyways I grabbed the knife I was hiding unter my mattress and continued to make it sharp. I had stolen it from the dining room the only day I was there. I never was there again, because some other patients had attacked me with knives and forks.

I rubbed the metal against the stone wall to make it sharp enough , so I could cut my skin with it. I was nearly finished, when someone, probably Mr George, opened my door.

"Hey boy, I just wanted to remember you that you are going to school tomorrow. That means you should try to sleep. I will wake you at 7am. Your things are already packed and I bought you some clothes.  Now, get a nice sleep. I'll come later again and check on you. Good night"

After he had left I finished the knife and tried it. It cut my skin immediately after I just put a little pressure on it. Relive flooded through my whole body. I didn't have to live like this any longer. "Don't worry Mum, Dad, Sonya and Jack(his dog), I will be with you soon" I whispered and brought the knife up to my wrist.

First I stopped for a second. Should I really do that? Just end my life? Was anything here that kept me alive?
The only thing was Mr George. He had tried so hard to get close to me, to earn my trust. But hey, I wouldn't be in his way after this.

So I put pressure on the knife and let it sink into my skin, next to my veins. I didn't realize that two boys entered my room until it was to late.
Someone pushed me to my mattress and another one grabbed the little hand-maded weapon out of my hand.

I glared at them confused. How had they come in here? I never got any visitors and espeacially not at midnight, when visitor time was over a long time ago.

Suddenly someone fiddled with keys behind my door and the two strangers hide under my bed. Then the door opened and Mr George came in. He walked straight to me and I had to cover the little cut.

"What did I told you, huh?" Mr George asked when he was standing in front of me. I looked up to see his face with a sad expression on mine. I know I disappointed him with what I was doing. I was supposed to sleep. "To take some sleep. You will need ittomorrow. I will bring you to your new school, remember?"

Of course I remembered. So I slowly nodded. He smiled but I could tell it was a sad smile. "Get some rest. I will be back tomorrow at seven, okay?" Again I nodded and saw him leaving the room.

After he locked the door again I looked under my bad. Some of my medics had the side affects of hallucinating. Not often and I just hallucinated 3 times. But you never know.

Under my bed were still the two boys. I made a gesture for them to come out and they followed it. The non Asian looked guilty at me. "Sorry for disturbing and probably scaring you. We made a deal with a friend. Sneak in hear and take a photo with a patient. So, would yoy mind?" Actually yes. But I didn't want to be a weight on some stranget, who had the courage to sneak in a place like this, so I just shook my head.

"Great, thanks." He said and took a quick photo. Then he wanted to leave and grabbed the Asians wrist. " Come on, Minho, let's get our asses outta here." But the Asian didn't follow. He looked at my name on my bed, a little bit shocked, a little bit  surprised. "Thomas" he said and the other looked at him and then on my etiket.
"Newt Isaac Newton" continued Minho. "Mrs. Jacobs talked about him two days ago, remember? She said wer are going to have a new classmate"
Thomas's gaze turned shocked too. " You mean..." Minho nodded. "Our new classmate is a Pscho"

This words hit me hard. I knew, maybe I was a little bit crazy when it came to self love but I had never killed anyone or was crazy in my head. I didn't here voices out of nowhere. I just hear the insults, which had really been said. I just remember them. I was here for other reasons. But of course they had to think that I was a psychopath. What else when you were in a psychiatry?

Still hurt from Minho's words the two left with my blade. I had no other choice than going to sleep or stay awake. I decided to do suggestion one. That would made Mr. George happy.

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