The Queen's Visit

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Jelsa Story
Jack x Elsa

It was a dark and stormy night in the Land of Pixney Works.

The dungeon was a miserable place. Light was scarce and flickered from the torches bolted to the stone walls. Foul-smelling water dripped inside from the moat circling the palace above. Large rats chased each other across the floor searching for food.This was certainly no place for a queen.

It was just past midnight, and all was quiet except for the occasional rustle of a chain. Through the heavy silence, a single set of footsteps echoed throughout the halls as someone climbed down the spiral steps into the dungeon.

A young woman emerged down the steps dressed head-to-toe in a long black cloak. She cautiously made her way past the row of cells, sparking the interest of the prisoners inside. With every step she took, her pace became slower and slower, and her heart beat faster and faster.

The prisoners were arranged according to crime. The deeper she walked through the dungeon, the crueler and more viscous the criminals became. Her sights were set on the cell the very end of the hall, where a prisoner of special interest was being watched by a private guard.

The woman had come to ask a question. It was a simple question, but it consumed her thoughts every day, it kept her lying awake most nights and it was the only thing she dreamed about with the little sleep she managed.

Only one person could give her the answer she needed and that person was on the other side of the prison bars ahead.

"I wish to see him," the cloaked woman said to the guard.

"No one is allowed to see her," the guard said, almost surprised by the request. "I'm on strict duty by the king and queen to not let anyone in here."

The woman lowered her hood and revealed her face. Her skin was as pale as a peach fruit, her hair was strawberry-blonde and her eyes were as turquoise as emeralds. Her beauty was known throughout the land, and her story was known even beyond that. She raised a brow as if to say 'how about now'.

"Your majesty, please forgive me!" The stunned guard apologized. He quickly bent into an overly pronounced bow. "I wasn't expecting anyone from the palace, especially here."

"No apology necessary," she said and smiled. "but please do not speak of my presence here tonight."

"Of course my queen," the guard replied nodding.

The woman faced the bars, waiting for them to be raised, but the guard hesitated.

"Are you sure you want to go in there your highness?" The guard asked. "There's no telling what he's capable off."

"I must see him," the woman answered. "At any cost, I must see him."

The guard began turning a large, circular lever and the bars of the cell rose. The woman took a deep breath and continued past them.

She journeyed through a longer, darker hallway where a series of bars and barriers were raised and then lowered after she walked past then. Finally she reached the end of the hall, the last set of bars were raised and she stepped into the cell.

The prisoner was a man. He sat on a stool in the center of the cell and stared up at a small window.

The prisoner waited for a few moments before acknowledging the visitor behind him. It was the first visitor he had ever had, and he knew exactly who it was without looking; there was only one person it could be.

"What do you want, Anna," hissed the prisoner.

"Hello, Hans," Anna replied with a nervous quiver. "How have you been doing?"

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