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" Hinata!" Tanaka called. Hinata turned at him and tilted his head. An arrow pierced through his heart while looking at the freshmen. Despite the fact that he's head over heels for their manager, he can't help but feel nervous around his kouhai.

" Tanaka-senpai? Are you okay? Your face is red. Are you sick? " the ginger asked and put his right hand on Tanaka's forehead.

' I-It's so soft...! ' Tanaka thought and he almost purred against the ginger's soft baby-like skin. Realizing the situation, he grabbed his wrist while blushing madly.

" I-I'm fine! Daichi's buying us meat buns and he told me to ask you if you're coming?" The thought of meat buns made Hinata's eyes glimmer.

" Sure sure! " He said. Tanaka clutch his chest seeing Hinata's cuteness overload.

' C-Cute..!! '

" That's good then! We'll wait for you!" Tanaka said and and fled away from the angel, leaving him confused about why his senpai clutched his chest.

While walking to the store, Hinata was in deep thought.

' Am I forgetting something? ' He checks his bag and saw his things neatly placed inside. Nishinoya seems to notice the smaller male and walk closer to him and slung his arm over the ginger's shoulders.

" Hinata! You're a little flustered. You okay? " He asked. Hinata jumps back from the sudden contact but thankfully that didn't go noticed by his senpai.

" I'm fine! I just thought that I forgot something. " He said which made the 2nd-year to nod. From behind them, all of the 1st-years glared at Nishinoya who mentally smirked and laughed evilly that he's walking closer to Hinata than anyone. 

They arrived at the store. The others roam around while the 3rd-years stays at the counter to buy the meat buns.

After some time, the man behind the counter served the meat buns and Daichi payed for it and they all left.

They all bid their goodbyes and part ways of going home. The 1st-years going right while the 3rd-years and 2nd-years going left after lecturing the 1st-years to be careful on their way home, especially Hinata.

Soon, they all part ways again. Tadashi and Tobio going right while Kei and Shoyo straight ahead. While walking, Shoyo can feel the intense stare coming from behind. He doesn't want to assume that Kei's staring at him but he's like staring into his soul from the back of his head.

Shoyo was the first to go home. He hesitated but he soon sighed in defeat and opened the door, only to be greeted by the strong smell of alcohol and smoke. A blood curdling scream soon followed making the ginger flinched and sprint to where the scream came from. Now he remembers what he forgot earlier. He forgot to check the time and he forgot that his sister is alone with that maniac.

" AAAHHHHHH —-AHHH STOP PLEASE. DAD!! " another scream came from Shoyo's room. He barged inside his room, only to see the very last scene that he wants to see in his entire life.

Natsu is on the floor, leaning on the side of his bed, her arms crossed in front of her face protecting herself from the belt his father is holding. And what makes the scene worst, Natsu's legs are covered with belt prints, scratches and her arms are covered with bruises, and last but not the least, the side of her lips is bleeding.

He quickly wrapped his arms around the little girl, mentally screaming at himself for forgetting about his sister. He wrapped his thin arms around her small figure tightly while whispering calm words like ' I'm here' before ' It's alright now ' soon followed by ' Onii-chan is gonna protect you' .

" Oh would you look at that. You're finally here." The old man said with his sly smirk buy it soon died down and was replaced with a scowl,

" Come here, you worthless human for a son. " he grabbed his arms and dragged him out of the room, Natsu unwillingly losing her grip on her brother's hand.

As soon as she let go, she knew that it's going to happen again. She knew that she couldn't do anything about it so she did what her Sho-chan told her if she wants to feel safe and calm. She grabbed his phone from the bag that Shoyo had dropped earlier and his earphones.

She wrapped herself in her brother's comforter like a burrito and listen to her brother's favorite song. She lay herself on her brother's bed with guilt building inside her heart. She can't do anything for her brother in this kind of situation while her brother is risking half of his life to protect her.

can we kiss forever?
- kina

And put it on maximum volume and drifted to sleep. Her calm figure lying on Shoyo's bed while her chest rising up and down slowly. But behind those earbuds, Shoyo's terrifying screams filled the living room. Sound of glasses shattering and thumping sounds soon followed and yet again. He screams.

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