Gym class

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With every step I take toward Gilbert I'm thinking of a way to get back at him and I finally think of something. I walked up so close that I could feel his warm breath on me. I lean in for a kiss and at the last second I swerve to my right and start walking away. I can feel his dark eyes staring at me but I just keep walking.

As I get to gym class I see Diana and ruby sitting on the bleachers like always. All they ever do is gossip.
D) "Omg Anne everyone is talking about you and Gilbert would you like to explain"??
R) "What what do you mean Gilbert and Anne".
I turn to Diana and glare at her.
A) "Nothing happened between me and Gilbert I don't know what she's talking about"?

I give Diana the I'll tell you later look and she drops it. They start talking about some other gossip that happened at school but I zone out. All I could think about was Gilbert. I knew I shouldn't like him but for some reason there was some sort of feelings. I don't know if they were good or bad, but all I knew is that I couldn't like him because ruby had dibs.

The coach starts yelling at everyone to get off the bleachers cause we're playing a game of dodge ball. The coach picks team I happen to be on Diana's team. I look over at the opposing team and see Gilbert and ruby talking. I stared at ruby and Diana noticed. She grabbed me by the shoulders and shook me. She looks me dead in the eyes.
D) "OMG you like Gilbert".
A) "What are you talking about no I don't".
D) "Yes you do I just saw you glaring at ruby like you were gonna kill her. You totally like Gilbert.
A) "Sorry but you got the wrong idea"
Or maybe she doesn't I'm not sure how I really feel.

Hi guys I'm back I know I haven't updated in a HOT minute but I'm back now if you guys have any suggestions please comment.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 23, 2020 ⏰

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