The Arrow ( Part 2 )

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A little guide for the part 

y/n = Your Name

t/f= Tea Flavor 

You looked up at the men confused " yes, I am y/n, do I happen to know you? "

The man on the very left looked over at the other men and said " I assume its only fair we introduce ourselves; " Then he focussed on the blond man in front of him " What do you say, lord Dio? "

' Lord Dio?? ' You thought to yourself. ' Who called someone lord these days? '

Your attention was directed to the blond man " Dio " as he grunted and stated, " We can introduce ourselves, just as long as we get  IT ."

The first man who had originally asked the question directed his attention back to you, along with the other men. The man stepped forward a bit and extended his hand out. He wore a long dark outfit and had silky white hair. His dark-colored hand shook your s/c hand as he greeted himself. " The names Enrico Pucci, it's a pleasure to meet you, miss. "

Next to greet you was a different blond man who stood on the far right. The man was the most normal-looking of the group. He had slick, pulled back hair, and a purple suit and tie. " My name is Yoshikage Kira. " He said while shaking your hand. He didn't seem to want to let go of your hand, so you swiftly pulled your hand back before looking at the next man who approached you. Kira softly sighing, saddened you pulled your hand away.

Next to approach you was a man with long purple hair, and barely any clothes on. The man sighed, knowing he only went next because the other two's egos were too high. The man extended out his muscled arm, and as you shook hands he mumbles " The names Kars. ".

' Kars.. ' you couldn't help but think about how odd of a name it was, but you still gave him a warm smile.

As you were about to look at the man on the right, a quick fight swoops by, the next thing you know, the Dio guy is right in front of you, lifting your chin up with his finger. You were already a blushing mess front this, but then he gives you a charming look and says " Dio Brando, but you can just call me babe~ ". At this point, you were a flustered mess, confused about what just happened. As you look over to the final man whom had pink hair, and a questionable fashion, he just grunted while still looking away " My name is not important to you. ". You were confused but decided not to say anything.

You took a step back as you gestured for the men to come in " Please come in! Tea is almost ready; Plus it seemed like you guys needed something, right? "

The men nodded as they walked in.

You showed them to the dining room and seated them down. A moment later you came back with your teapot filled with hot t/f tea. You poured six glasses of tea and sat down across from them.

The pink-haired man looked you in the eye.

"Let's talk business " 

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