Chapter One: The Day It All Change part

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Beep, Beep, Beep! It forced me out of my sleep when my alarm went off. Reminding me I had to get up before the pack does, otherwise things would get ugly, and that was the last thing I wanted to happen. I lazily got up out of my bed, wishing I still had a few more hours to sleep, but there was no time for that. I needed to shower, get dressed in the rags my pack left for me. I didn't have a bathroom to myself like everyone else, let alone a room. I slept in a cell in the pack dungeon. Every morning they unlocked the cell door for me to get out. I climbed out of bed and made my way to the upstairs bathroom. The minute I got into the bathroom, I noticed that a girl I once considered my best friend Janella Dickinson was in the shower. Unfortunately, that shower I wanted to take so badly would have to wait. So I quietly snuck out of there without disturbing her. With the shower occupied, I had to do something else. I went downstairs to make breakfast instead before everyone else woke up. I had to make enough for a whole pack. And I know that you are wondering how much a pack could eat. A lot considering they are a pack of wolves by the time I made it down there, I already knew what I wanted to make. Something simple, and quick, that would keep the pack happy. I took out the pancake mix, eggs, bacon, and orange juice, knowing the pack would come down any minute. I was lucky to finish making the breakfast meal on time. 'Time to get the dishes and food on the table' I think to myself. I carefully placed each dish on the table, making sure not to drop them, and as if the pack somehow knew I was setting things up, they came running down the stairs in a hurry. "Why didn't you wake us up for breakfast! I swear to god if we are late for school, you will get it. It's not like you have a school to get to." My brother Alex snapped at me.I could never understand why they couldn't wake up on their own like I'm always responsible for their actions. I also could never understand why he treated me like this, but believe it or not, there was a time when we were actually very close. That was until my mother passed away.


"Alex, please pick me up, I want a piggyback ride! Please?" I begged for him to pick me up. He really does not know how much he means to me, and probably never will. He didn't say no, or even argued with me, instead, he bent over slightly and allowed me to jump onto his back. I held onto him tightly as he ran towards the woods where we usually climbed up our favorite tree. When we got to the tree, he gently put me back down, and we stood side by side, admiring it. I chewed on my bottom lip as I thought of a challenge. I turned to look at him, with the most innocent, but somehow, competitive look on my face, before saying, "I bet that I could beat you up to the top, Alex." I challenged him. He looked at me with a smirk on his face, accepting the challenge.Where did things go wrong between us two?

He started the race, not even giving me a second to stretch my body.. "That's not fair, you had a head start."I yelled to him, but was quick to follow behind him, trying to keep up. He just looked down, laughing at me.. I was determined to beat him, not caring if he had a head start or not. But I never expected our fun to come to a quick, unfortunate end. We didn't even get halfway up before we heard a loud, monstrous growl from the bottom of the tree. Slowly, I looked at my brother, he looked at me, and I think we were both mentally counting down from 3. Almost we were about to look down when we found out exactly where that growl was coming from.. A werewolf, its bloodshot eyes staring directly up at the both of us, as drool spilled out the opening gaps in between its teeth. We were terrified, but we couldn't fight it, all that we continued to climb. Climb as fast as we could and hope to get away from it.

"Come on, Kenya! Hurry!" My brother pleaded with me, but I was trying my best. Compared to the speed this werewolf had when it climbed the tree, we were nothing more than snails. No matter how fast and high I climbed, this beast was always an inch behind me, trying to bite down on my legs and pull me down to the floor, where it would most likely maul me to death. By the time he got up to me, I picked up a very familiar scent.. I smelled our parents, and they were looking for us! I screamed at the top of my lungs to get their attention, and it seemed to work because they spotted me, and ran towards the tree we were currently stuck in. I was so scared that I had closed my eyes shut, waiting for it to be over, but it felt like years. I could hear the howls and growls of the werewolf, the cries and screams coming from my parents as they fought it off, and tried to chase it away. I felt my brother wrap his arm around me and told me it would be OK. Everything from here on, become a blur in my memory.. The last thing I remember was my father getting my brother and I out of the tree, and my mother.. lying on the ground in a puddle of her own blood, with gashes in her chest.

*End of flashback*

I felt a sting on my cheek, waking me up from my daydream. Did he just slap me? "Did you hear what I said to you!" Alex yelled. I was in disbelief as I put my hand on my cheek and did my best to hold back the tears that were forming in my eyes. No matter what, I knew I couldn't let him see me cry. I would allow none of them to see how upset I was. I knew exactly what their reaction would be, they would laugh at me and tease me for being this pathetic. I should be used to it by now. This happens about every day, and any chance they get. "I said you stink, and why didn't you make our plates? I'm hungry and the food is getting cold."

I walked over to the table and finished making everyone's plate, when the Alpha, Blake, walked in. He looked at me with pity in his eyes, and once I noticed, his face went blank and emotionless, as if he didn't want me to see it. But why? He sat down next to the girl I once called my best friend and kissed her. Believe me, I'm not jealous or anything, but I feel disgusted. It was ironic of her to call me the pack slut, although I've never slept with anyone! Call me crazy, but I'm still waiting to meet my mate, even though I don't think I want to find him. She has slept with everyone here in the pack, even my brother, and that is low of him. I guess guys really have sex with anything that walks and have two legs.. He is so much better than that, that's what I thought.. He should always wait for his mate, he knows this, but I guess he's not into finding someone special.. Well, back to setting the plates up for the laziest pack I have ever known, I wish that I didn't have to go through this. But being a hybrid that hasn't shifted yet, was the worst for me. They decided that they didn't want to turn me in to the council, so they made me their personal slave instead.. After everyone finished their food, they went out the door to their car, and went off to school. My father, the alpha's beta called me "Kenya, get your ass in here right now!" he yelled at me, causing me to jump up slightly.. I didn't want to go, but I knew I had to.

Upon walking into the room he was in, a shiver shot down my spine because he wasn't dressed. Every time he was like this, I got a horrible feeling in my gut, knowing he was most likely going to do something to me. I wanted to get away. "Where the hell do you think you're going?" he says as I was turning around. "You aren't dressed, sir." I whispered and was in fear that he would strike me for speaking. He walked closer to me, and I already knew what to expect. That look in his eyes, I've seen it too many times. I ducked my head, waiting for the sting to come, but it never did. But I felt his gentle, yet rough hands lifting my head up to look at him. He looked me in the eyes, and for the moment, I thought he would allow me to walk away.

But it became very clear that he had something else in mind. Without warning, I was lifted off of my feet and thrown onto the bed! What was he trying to do to me? My heart pounded at my chest as I looked down at the bottom of the bed, and he was coming towards me. He got on top of me, forcing me to squirm around underneath him as I tried to fight him off! I couldn't, he was too strong. He pulled my shirt over my head, before completely yanking it off and throwing it to the side. On instinct, I tried to cover my body, not wanting him to see a thing. Why was he doing this? He placed unwanted kisses upon my neck. I felt so disgusted and hurt. I wanted to cry, but I knew that if I did, it would make it worse than it already was. There was no one here to help me, I had to find a way out of this situation by myself. I continued to squirm beneath him, trying my best to keep him away, but he grabbed onto both of my hands and pinned them down onto the bed, making sure I didn't move a muscle. Instead of staying still, I brought my leg up hard and quick, and I kneed him right where it hurts the most.. He gasped in shock from the sudden pain, rolling off of me and holding onto his goodies. Since he was naked, I bet it hurt a hell of a lot more than it would if he was fully clothed. He was in pain, and I was getting ready to run, but suddenly, he got his strength back, and a powerful right hand straight to the face..I fell down hard, hitting my head. met me Then everything went black.

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