Chapter 1

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A calico cat walked into the garden. It seemed to be searching for something. It was calling out desperately, "Tornado! Where ARE you?!?" Nightfang knew that Tornado was his target, but what was this cat doing here. It must be female, there were no male calicos around this part of the his territory. Male calicos were rare anyhow.

This cat would be a witness if left unattended. He didn't want witnesses. It wasn't like this cat would be able to do anything about it, but still. The calico flicked her ears back, she had seen Nightfang. She had heard him, and most likely smelled him. This was bad news. Very bad news.

The black tom stalked downwind of this 'witness'. He was about to pounce when another joined them. It had to be Tornado. The cat had storm grey fur, and didn't seem to be very happy about Nightfang trying to kill her friend. Who wouldn't? "Why did you attack Blu! She was just looking for me. We're all allowed in the nice hooman's garden, are we not?" The cat replied, baring her teeth. She was certainly not to be messed with, so Nightfang backed off slightly. He'd rather live. 

"Relax Tornado, I think this cat spends more time here than we ever have. Give him a break," Blu laughed. "Hey, what's your name?"


"Cool, I'm Blu. This is Tornado."

"I heard, now leave before I kill you."

"Two versus one, don't push it." Tornado snapped, interrupting Nightfang and Blu's conversation. Nightfang, being a (somewhat) civil cat backed off. Allies could be useful in the future. Especially if he wished to find the five cities of the Draconic. Which he did. "Do you know anything about the Draconic? You know, the 'fairytale' about cities?" He made sure to emphasise the fairytale. He thought it was true. He held his breath, waiting for the answer. This would make or (possibly) destroy the future of his quest. 

"No, never heard of it..." Tornado replied, sneering. She clearly thought Nightfang was behaving like a kitten for believing the tale. Many would, not just her,  Nightfang reminded himself. Practically all felines thought the 'myth' idiotic and silly. It was far-fetched, he had to admit. Plus Tornado seemed to hate him regardless. It would not be a loss.

"Of course I've heard of it! It's simply amazing that there are creatures out there that  can FLY! Excluding bats and birds, of course." Now this was what Nightfang had wished for. Another believer. Another like him...

"We set off for the cities tomorrow, unless you don't want to see the Draconic!" Blu looked shocked for a second. She then replied, "OK, we'll meet here at midday. Come on Tornado, I can smell mice!" The black tom cat watched the two mollys leave, then went over to the nice hooman's welcome hatch. He deserved milk.

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