Chapter 3

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Nightfang watched Tornado trot along the dusty, beaten path that they were following. Blu still hadn't perked up, and the Nightfang wanted to distract himself from the topic. He didn't want to speak. Neither did Blu. Tornado was fine however, why did she have to be fine?

Nightfang ears pricked up. He heard a strange sound coming from the bushes. A kind of... guttural roar. It sounded distant though, far away from the trio. The black tom turned to tell Blu. The she cat seemed to also have heard the noise. She signalled to Nighfang and Tornado which way to go. The two followed her.

Nightfang stared at the sky above his head, hoping to see a shadow. A shadow with wings twice as long as the nice hooman's garden. Or maybe the bobbing head of a wyvern stalking the ground, when he moved his head back down. Nightfang had forgotten about those. Unlike dragons, wyverns had two stubby legs. They were also smaller than dragons, but not by much. Their wings acted as arms as well as their original purpose. They were perhaps the most likely of the Draconic to be real. So he had to keep an eye out. Two eyes, in fact.

"Hey, Nightfang! What you looking for? Something that doesn't exist, that's what," Tornado sneered, the three had been travelling for nearly a day now. Nothing else had given them a clue since the roar. The black tom was beginning to lose hope that they would ever find the five cities. Tornado, however, had not given up on her goal. To annoy Nightfang as much as possible.

"Shut UP, Tornado!" Blu snapped. The journey was clearly getting to her. The cat was immensely loyal to her friends, unlike Nightfang. The yellow eyed cat tried to ignore this dark thought as they plodded on.

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