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Item #: SCP-5573

Class: Keter

Special Containment Procedures

SCP-5573 exclusion zone

A 20 kilometer exclusion zone has been established around and above the city of Farwell, Minnesota. Cover story Finlay-Bravo ("Viral outbreak") has been put into place with the authorities of Pope County in order to establish "Federal" jurisdiction over the local area.

All entities attempting to enter the exclusion zone from Farwell must submit to identification. Any refusal to such identification must be met with immediate and lethal force. All Foundation personnel exiting Farwell must submit to thaumaturgical scan to ensure that they are not host to any foreign entities. Refusal will result in immediate termination.

Commercial and private air traffic flight patterns have been altered to further ensure no registered flights pass over the affected area, and station-keeping interdiction drones have been deployed in the area to enforce the no-fly zone against un-registered flights.

Four mid-range Class 2 Scranton Reality Anchors have been installed around the perimeter of St. John's Church of the Messenger in an effort to prevent the spread of SCP-5573-B and to stabilize the extra-dimensional rift within. Under no circumstances are any personnel to enter the church without prior written approval from the HMCL supervisor or the current head of Site-06.

Anyone entering the field without permission will be immediately declared deceased and will be summarily terminated upon egress.

SCP-5573 is the designation given to the events and anomalies surrounding the manifestation of a Class 3 extra-dimensional portal within the St. John's Church in the town of Farwell, Minnesota.

The specific nature and physical description of the portal are unavailable due to the highly unstable fluctuations of Hume levels within the church. While the deployed SRAs are able to prevent the phenomenon from spreading, they have so far been unable to successfully stabilize the area to allow for additional exploration.

Attached Addenda Discovery

At 1013 on July 22, 2018, the Aureole Orbital Recon Array detected a massive spike in localized Akiva radiation in north central United States and subsequent investigation by the Foundation led to the discovery of the ongoing phenomena within Farwell.

This massive fluctuation was intense enough to register on Bonfield-Carizza Hume detectors throughout the central portion of North America, and the full scope of the resulting chaos has yet to be fully surveyed.

At 10:38, wide-area SRAs were able to be deployed from orbit in an attempt to stabilize the ongoing rupture in the local reality substrata. Due to the high energy requirements of these types of SRAs, the window for localized stabilization was extremely narrow.

This allowed for the insertion of a single Tau-6 strike team via drop-pod. This team was sent in to conduct search-and-report reconnaissance and has since been declared MIA.

There are currently no plans for a retrieval operation.

Additional Records
The expedition into SCP-5573 was conducted by MTF Tau-6, details of which were captured by intermittent burst uploads from various cameras carried about their persons. The heavy interference created by the local Hume field displacement ripples made a continuous uplink impossible.

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