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*taps camera gently before smiling and taking a step back*

Hello bunnies! I hope this is recording, if not than oops. Anyway, this is sort of an interduction. If you don't know who I am, I'm Roni! The creater of this book, and I basically just talk about things heere. Ha, I did a joke! Sorry, I'm weird... Ok, just to start off, I'll just talk about myself, like how I look like and stuff, and then we'll move on to the warnings for this book.

OK, I'm a teenage girl from Germany, I'm not comfortable with saying my age nor my real name so please don't ask, I have dark blonde hair that normally wouldn't go past my shoulders, but I haven't gotten a hair cut since COVID-19 started qwq, I have blue eyes, wear glasses and I normally wear a hoodie with shorts, gray socks and black converse. I'll admit that I'm chubby and I'm self concious about it.. I have ADD and I'm socially awkward.. QwQ, I also have SA which is social anxiety, I'm pansexual and I like drawing, singing, writing and reading. I'm in the following fandoms, FNAF, DEH, BMC, Heathers, Hamilton, Harry Potter, ect., I have way too many fandoms to list qwq, and that's it for now, I think, so let's move on to the warnings.

There will be swearing because when I rant I swear a lot! I don't mean to offened anyone in this book, nor do I intened to hurt people! I'm just sharing my opinions! Please don't hate on me or anybody else, please just be nice! You can share your own opinions just don't be rude!

I think that's it for now, I don't know when I'll upload an actual chapter but for now, stay safe and stay healthy! Bye Bye bunnies!

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