Why I HATE William Fangirls

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*stands against a wall with my back towards the camera*

You might be wondering, "Roni, why are you standing like that and what's your problem with William Fangirls?" Well, I'll tell you but first let me explain for those who don't know what I'm talking about:

William Afton is a character from the game Five Nights At Freddy's (FNAF), which was created by Scott Cathown, and he was the killer of the six missing children.

Oh yeah, he's here too btw.
*turns around* William, say hi!
William: Hi?
*turns back to the camera* good enough, now for my rant.
William: Oh god.
My problem with most of William's fangirls is that they seem to be either a teenager or a young adult, which is my first and biggest problem with them, *sighs* I do not mean to attack anyone, I shall admit that I had a phase like that myself but it didn't last longer than a month. Now, William, would you mind explaining?
William: Why am I listening to a child again?
First, don't call me a child. Second, *pulls out toast and a lighter* because otherwise I'll burn your fucking toast..
William: *slightly scared* Okay, okay geez. So as Roni said before, most of those weird fangirls are either 13 or younger. I am OVER SEVENTY—
Yes, that is one of the points. Also, HE KILLED FUCKING CHILDREN!! WHY ARE THERE PEOPLE WHO THINK *in a mocking voice* "OMG, He's so hot and sexy and I want to fuck him even though I'm probably a minor and he's an old sack and the fact that he killed children is even hotter, so lemme just make a TOTALLY original and TOTALLY NOT CRINGY AND TOTALLY NOT OVER POWERED CHARACTER!"
*breaths heavily and slowly calms down* I think I'm going to continue this rant later because holy shit I'm tired. *starts floating onto a cloud like thing and wraps self in blanket while cuddling my fox plushie* Well, good night now bunnies! Stay healthy and stay safe! Bye-Bye bunnies!

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