I Am Afraid

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I have three classes in the classroom oppisite of mine, in each of them I sit in the row farthest behind.

And even if I hate sitting there because I always feel so over looked, I don't have the heart to move from the seat that I took.

I'm too afraid to change my seat because I don't know if another desk isn't already occupied. And because the class oppisite of mine always seems so aggressiv, that even the thought of their looks staring at me is killing me..

It's killing my mind and my voice, barely noticable in all the noise.
In all the fights going on in the back row.

I don't have a roll back there and I try to mind my own business, creating my own fantasies and wishes...

In other words, I'm afraid of speaking my mind because deep down I know that if you show vunrabilaty, it would've been best to've never done so...

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