Terror or care

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Suddenly I heard a gun shot
I stood up with a jerk what is happening here I don't know what but by fear I hugged rakshit

A few seconds later I got back

" Sorry" I apologized

"It's okay"

What's happening here I don't know why these guns

I am afraid of these guns god please save me

Rakshit and me where was just standing side by side but I was frightened now also I was badly needing anyone to hold me

But no

I can't be afraid drishti please keep courage you are brave nothing there is just a gun shot I started taking long breathes to be in my senses

I can't fall down it's not the time to be fall down

You are going to be a actor and then also you are afraid of these how will you shoot the action sequences then ?
My conscience asked me

Ya its correct it will be bad for my career

My trance was broken by rakshits sudden action he was shaking me to bring me out from my Dreamland

"Drishti it's not time to sleep by open eyes move "
Rakshit whispered in my ear

"We need to hide somewhere can't you hear anyone is opening the door"
He literally screamed in my ears
But I was shocked to react

He took my hands and drag me to nearby desk whose bottom was covered by white cloth
We can hide there

In no we both were under the table hiding there

I was now able to hear the noise of some people talking there

Who they will be ?

I can see there foot there were 2 man and 1 women
I can identify by shoes

Women was screaming
" What was the need to open the door using gun ? "

" It's not my fault"

" You don't know police will take this case more seriously now "

Women was screaming again

" Relax there is no one here it's all deserted you can't see mam "

Man replied

" I don't know why boss send me with you fools I was able to do it alone "

Women asked again

" For your safety mam " he replied

" You stupid now don't waste time go and see is that key there "

Women was totally frustrated it can be guessed by her voice

Another man moved to wards next room where I found rakshit tied

"Mam there is no one there "

"No way it can't be happened. "

"But mam there is no one"

"Check it correctly search the whole room "

I know it means they will check here also

Rakshit moved my face to face him

I look into his eyes his eyes were denoting me that everything will be fine

I nodded my head getting the message he wants to give from eye contact

Unknowingly we both hug each other close

May be both of us needed it

My fear came true yes finally someone try to open table cloth means we are going to caught and we both know it.

Okay so if I can't hide I need to fight
I am not a coward

I fisted my hand and punched strongly on the face of first man who was going to find us

As the other members of gang where in other room they don't hear it
I was thinking what to do next rakshit press the nerve of the neck of the man and that man got unconscious

I think he knows martial arts. I am glad he is here with me

In no time rakshit take hold of my hands

We both get out of table

And start running the fast we can towards door but

There were two guards we don't seen him before

I was going to shout but rakshit closed my mouth by his hands he take me to corner

He signed me by eyes to wait there. He move towards door and attack the first man and punch him on stomach and moves towards second man they were fighting

Rakshit was not able to handle to persons at time

Okay drishti it's time to show your talent I take part in fight the man hold my hands and tried to lock me

But no way I was allowing it

I kick him on his point and in a minute later he was on floor handling the pain. I moved back to see rakshit was on floor and the man there was ready to attack him

I got climbed on the back of the man holding him tightly not allowing to move

Rakshit got up floor and puched that man hard

Ya we both did it we were running away

but no someone hold me from back and a cloth was covered on my nose and blackness overpowered me

Rakshit pov

We were actually out now yes I was really shocked to see that girl fight
She was really seems weak but no
She fights well. I think she have taken training

I just take hold of her hand and we were running but a man with black coat snatch her away from me

Before I got anything to know more the man make drishti unconscious I don't know what makes me do my next move I just punch that man hard till he was lying on the floor lifeless shouting for help my anger was not extinguished

But I thought not to increase the matter more

I took her in my arms she was seems lifeless
I don't know why but I was not feeling it good

Yeah it's unbelievable but I was there feeling this much emotions for a stranger

I was in my land forgetting the surrounding thinking about drishti
Unknowingly I started caressing her hairs which was opened flying with wind

I started to walk but something strong hits on my head from back and unfortunately blackness covered me

So how was the chapter don't forget to give feedback?
As I wrote studying chemistry I know the chemistry here will be just a headache
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