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The building was Looking deserted I keep my phone on and also keep my GPS on for safety

Stupid of mine

I enter the building and started seeing the rooms

What the hell

Please god I don't want to die but I have to see

Just save me today I will never do this again
I was talking about my lie

Finally I got a room it was lighten up brightly some one was there
I got in

Finally I saw anyone

I just said from back " excuse me"
That I can have a attention

She turned back she was a very young may be of mine age only as I have seen in horror stories old woman comes to greet you as we believe old people easily

" Oh Miss are you drishti Sharma " she said

How she knows my name I am not famous

Stupid what is this you are on set where you are appointed and you are asking why she knows your name

I think me and my conscience can together wrote a book of 3 million words easily
So should I write my conscience hit me

Who will read it ?
This time I block my conscience
I rocked conscience shocked

After enjoying my win for a minute I saw the girl was staring me

" Yes " I asked I remember her question

" Oh great I am your make up artist" she said

" Isabella"

" Yeah you can call me Bella "
She said

" So come in mam we have lot to do "
She added

I got in the room occupied a seat

" So mam yours character is middle class girl so I think it will be good"

Isabella said no I mean Bella said
Showing me a dress it was black full length Jeans and and red plain t shirt

I think it's good

It was already 11:30 she makes me try 2 to 3 dresses and after it

One was a salwar pink coloured which was having long sleeves

And lastly a short knee length one piece which was plain black

She finalise the first one only

" Okay so mam is this comfortable" she asked

" Isabella I mean Bella you don't need to call me mam you can call me drishti only " I said
I don't want to call mam I am not a celebrity so why it is needed

" Okay drishti as you wish "

She said and added
" You know you are looking superb awesome without any make up also and this outfit is getting high standard by you"

" Oh stop praising me Bella you are just saying" I said

" No drishti you looks hot " she added

" Fine but not more than you " I said

" How you can say ? Okay but you are more cutie now you can't say anything "
She signed

" So I will not " I said laughing at her antiques

" Should we start your make up I mean a light one " she asked

" We can "
I said

Within a minute I seated myself on table

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