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So finally a update after long for better understanding please go through before chapters

Romi laughed

" Okay if you want so I will call him here "

I said being feeling take it easy

" Yeah "

They both nodded

" But Di are you sure ?"
Romi was going to ask again but I interrupted him

" Yeah my baby brother he is a great guy "

" Fine "
He replied

Leaving all my thoughts beside I thought why not to inform rakshit first

I am in love still it's first time I am going to call him

Should I call ? Or text ?

I started to type

" Hey dear can you come to visit me my home today I wanna introduce you to Divi and romi "

I was going to just click send option

But my mind change its not good isn't it looking formal

It will be best if I call him

I deleted the text and called him yeah in 5th ring any one received the call

" Rakshit"
I utter with nervousness

" So sweety finally you got time to contact me ha "

He said laughing I can sense he was making my fun

" Okay I am busy byy "
I said showing my fake anger

" Hey drishti"

He said  I can sense his tone

" What ? "
I asked still trying to show my fake anger

" Was there any reason you called me ?"

He asked yeah how I forget he sense me too

" Why you think I need reason to call you "

I asked him

" I know you don't share your siblings time with anyone if you have called of course there will be a reason"

He replied

Yeah he is a only guy know me well
Some words means a lot

" But now you are also mine so don't expect reason for any call I have full rights on my ones "

I said trying to show what he means to ne

" Yeah know but is there any matter today my sleepy head called me on breakfast time "

He spoke

" Can you come home till lunch ?"

" Means your home ?"

" Exactly"

" Why this early we plan to meet in evening right ? "

" Actually romi and Divi wants to test you "

" So I have to pass a test to get my queen of my heart "

" Yeah "

" So when are you coming"

" When you want "

" Are you all home today "

" Of course"

Dii ..." It was Divi now

" Okay by rakshit you can come whenever you want "

" Byy sweety take care"

" Yeah "

I hang up the call.

So I don't know when rakshit is going to come only thing I can do is wait

Sitting on a place arise thousand of thought why not to prepare lunch having more today I can cook anything special

I was just going to enter kitchen

Door bell rang

Is it rakshit I am getting mad maybe no more than 5 minutes have been passed how can rakshit be here

Still having a little hope I went towards door

Divi was opening door as expected to be this was a delivery man

Divi took the parcel and I was returning to kitchen

I can sense noise now from kitchen also this people again cat fight

" Diii " Divi cried

" What"

I asked in stern tone

" Idhar aao na Di "

She said very sweetly is they Up to anythingm

" naah don't waste my time Divi"

I screamed

" But Di "

I interrupted

" What ? "

" Aao toh rakshit is here "

Divi said

Is rakshit really here no way
Are they trying to fool me

" I am not coming"

I make it clear

I told about rakshit never means that they will tease me from now

" Okay fine I am sending rakshit in okay"

Divi stated

" Okay fine "
I put my earphone on connecting music on full volume

I can sense romi hold my left hand

I cried  " romi I have work "

Soon anyone holded my right hand there is no doubt I don't need to turn now also

I spoke slowly

" Rakshit"

" Yeah correct dear "

The second I get out of my Dreamland he is here I took him in hug

The music is only thing that can replace any person for some time

It help us forget anyone for sometime

I was really missing him badly and he is here now

I forget Divi and romi was there to here this person was giving me smirk and there standing my siblings

I got out of his arm

" When you come ?"
I asked

" The minute you enter kitchen "

I got the answer by romi

" So what you were doing till now ?

It was I think a hour I was in kitchen

" We were having some talks "

Divi replied

I was not able to sense anything good now the way these three where looking towards each other

There was awkwardness filled in home where we both were talking through eyes Romi was standing watching us folding his hand together near his waist where Divya was thinking something

So what you think conversation between romi and rakshit?
Will romi approve rakshit?
I know these is short update

But hope you like it
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