Chapter 1

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     (Macey's POV)
     A lot of people don't believe in love. I sure didn't believe in love. The thought of any type of romance just didn't seem right to me. How anyone could love another more than they loved themselves. But that was all before I met him....
You see my entire perspective on life and how the world worked changed as soon as I moved to Alvarado, Texas. I had moved because my mom got a new job offering. She's a nurse and she had recently gotten promoted and got moved to Two Hearts Family Hospital in Alvarado. My mom had to work really hard for this job because it's always only been me, my mom and sister for the passed 8 years, and because of that, my mom is very stressed all the time. She works all day and night just to keep everyone else on their feet. I feel bad for her, but I'm too young to get a job to help her out. My sister on the other hand is just to busy with YouTube and modeling to be apart of anyone's lives. Sometimes I wonder what our lives would be like if my dad was still alive....
My dad was diagnosed with stage 4 brain cancer about 9-10 years ago. After about a year of fighting, he finally lost his battle. It was really hard on the entire family, especially on my mom. You see, my mom and dad met in 2nd grade and became best friends. Then, in 9th grade, they went to homecoming together and that's when they decided to take things to the next level. They never once argued, and in there 3rd year of college my dad proposed to my mom. They were perfect for each other. My mom still is grieving his death. I feel really bad for her honestly. Her whole world must've came crashing down when he died.
Anyways, enough of my sad family life tragedy, I start school today. I'm actually really excited. My school back in Mississippi was terrible. Lots of druggies.
I got up out of bed and decided I wanted to look nice for my first day of school. So, I took a shower and put this outfit on, and then I did my makeup and did my hair like this.

        As soon as I finished getting ready, I walked downstairs and grabbed some coffee then walked out to my car to go to school

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        As soon as I finished getting ready, I walked downstairs and grabbed some coffee then walked out to my car to go to school. My mom's car wasn't in the garage so I just assumed she went to work. Mads car also wasn't in the garage, so she must be at school already. I quickly got in my car and started driving.
         I had finally arrived to school after about 30 minutes of driving. When I walked out of my car, all eyes were on me. I just ignored all of the blank stares and walked inside.
         I was looking for the administration office when I accidentally ran into somebody, "My bad", I said looking up to see who I ran into. It was my sister.
"Hey little sis! Are you looking for the administration office too?", asked Mads
"Yea. This school is so big, you'd think they would give you a map of the place".
"I know right!", Mads and I laughed, "well anyways, we should go and try finding the office before we end up late to our first class".
           Mads and I walk around the corner and see the administration office right in front of us. We walk in and grab a piece of paper with our schedule and locker number on it. We decided to split up since she's a grade above me and that means her classes and locker is on the completely other side of the school.
             It wasn't that hard to find my locker. I opened it up and saw that there were already all of the books and gym clothes I needed for class in the locker. I grabbed my math book since that was my first class and went to look for the class.
               After about 10 minutes of searching these crowded halls like I was some type of detective, I finally found my class. I tried opening the door but it was locked. Which meant I had to wait for the bell to ring so I can get in.
               As I was waiting for the class to start some boy walked up and stood next to me, "you must be the new girl", the boy said. I looked at him and nodded, "I'm Anthony. What's you're name?".
"I am Macey", I replied
"Nice to meet you. What's your schedule?".
"Well, first I have math, then music, PE, study hall, free period, Lunch, science, history then English".
"Dope we have all the same classes except for music", I nodded in response to him.
"You can sit with my friends and I at lunch of you want", Anthony suggested.
"Sure that would be fun. Thank you", I said
"No problem"
             The bell finally rang and the teacher opened the door. Anthony and I walked in and sat next to each other in the back of the classroom. We mainly talked all period because the teacher wasn't teaching a lesson today. Everyone in the class seems to be nice. Different from my old school.
             The bell rang for my next class and Anthony walked me to it because his class was right next to the music class. I walked in and all the seats were taken except for one in the back next to a boy. I went and sat next to him and he looked at me with a smirk on him face. I just gave him a friendly smile.
"Hey", he said
"Hi", I responded
"You must be Macey".
"That's me! What's your name?", I asked.
"I am Tayler, Tayler Holder", he said with confidence.
"Nice to meet you Tayler, Tayler Holder", I smiled and he chuckled.
             The class started and the teacher called me over to her desk after everyone got settled.
"Hello Miss Lewis", she began, "I need to figure out wether you're an alto or a soprano. Can you sing me the scale please?".
"Sure! Do Re Mi Fa So La Ti Do", I sang
"Okay can you sing me Row row row your boat the lowest you can, and then the highest you can?"
             I sang the lowest I could, which wasn't very low and then my highest which was pretty high.
"Okay, so I'm going to place you in the soprano section", the teacher said, "thank you, you can go back to your seat now".
             I went and sat back down next to Tayler. We chatted the rest of the period then ended up exchanging phone numbers.
"Hey do you wanna hang out after school?", Tayler asked.
"I'll have to see I already have a lot of homework due tomorrow", I lied.
"Yeah right! Come on, it'll be fun. We can go to the beach", Tayler insisted.
"As much as I'd love to, I just moved here and I have to unpack", I exclaimed.
"Then I'll help you".
"Okay. Fine".
"Then I'll see you after school".

             The rest of the school day went well. I went straight home after school and put on sweats and then started unpacking while I waited for Tayler to show up.

🦚 I hope you enjoyed the first chapter!! Let me know what you thought of it in the comments. It took me 3 hours to complete lol!

Love At First Sight // Tayler HolderWhere stories live. Discover now