Chapter 3

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             Today is my second day of school and I have no clue what to wear. All of my clothes are either dirty or not something I wanna wear. I go into Mads room and see her sleeping. I sneak past her and into her closet quietly - even though she's a heavy sleeper- and pick out a super cute outfit then walked out of the room. That's when I realized that this outfit was mine. She must've borrowed it and forgot to give it back to me.
             After I grabbed the outfit I tiptoed to my room and changed into it, did my makeup, picked out a bag, did my hair and then put some shoes on.

             Not long after I started making breakfast, I heard a knock on the door

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             Not long after I started making breakfast, I heard a knock on the door. Who in their right mind would come to my house this early in the morning?? I thought to myself. I went to open the door and saw Tayler. "Hey Tayler! I wasn't expecting you. Come in", I moved aside so he could walk in. He seemed upset sort of, "everything alright?", I asked.
"Yep! My parents were just arguing this morning. I hope you don't mind that I came. I know it's early and we hardly know each other".
"I don't mind at all.. I am actually making eggs, bacon and hash browns! Would you like some?", I asked.
"Yes please!! I didn't eat this morning", Tayler exclaimed.
"Well I guess it's a good thing you care, haha".
             I finished cooking and served Tayler, Mads and I. My mom wasn't home as always, but it's okay because she's just trying to support the family.
             After breakfast, Mads left and Tayler and I stayed at my house for a little bit since school started in an hour.
"So, have you always lived in Texas?", I asked.
"Yea. Where did you live before here?"
"Mississippi. It's super boring there I'm glad we moved"
"Well don't you miss your old friends?", Tayler asked.
I looked at him, "I didn't really have any friends, but the ones I did have weren't the greatest. No one in Mississippi is really worth missing", I explained.
"Ahh okay".
"We should probably go to school now. I can drive us if you want", I offered.
"That would be appreciated. I walked here".
We got into the car and we listened to AC/DC on the way to school. We started jamming out and singing at the top of our lungs until we finally arrived at school. When Tayler and I walked out of my car all eyes were on us. Then a group of girls walked up to us.
"Damn you just got here and you're already hoeing around", one of them said.
"Just because I made a few guy friends doesn't mean I'm a hoe. But it's not like you would know that anyways", I replied.
"Oh hunny you don't wanna get on my bad side".
"And you don't wanna get on mine sweetheart", I commented.
"Macey don't", Tayler said.
"Whatever", Tayler and I walked over to our lockers.
I went to my locker and grabbed my math book without saying a word. That girl really pissed me the fuck off and Tayler could tell, "Hey.. don't let some low life loser ruin your day", Tayler said. I smiled in response.
Tayler walked me to my class before we parted ways. He really is a sweet guy, I truly don't know why he's so sweet to me.
When I walked in my classroom I was looking around for Anthony, I couldn't find him so I just assumed he was sick or something. I sat in the same spot as I did yesterday, only I was alone this time. I always hated being alone but it's whatever.
Since I had no one to talk to, I decided to actually take part the lesson today. It wasn't too hard considering I'm already really good at math, but it was just super boring.
The bell finally rang for second period and I was super excited because, I have this class with Tayler!
I went to music class and saw Tayler. I walked up to him with a huge smile on my face and sat down right next to him, "heyyy", I said. He just looked at me and looked back down, "what's wrong?", no answer, "I said what's wrong?", I said again with a stern tone. Again, no answer, "fine. Be like that then", I got up and walked out of the class and to the bathroom where I fixed up my make up. I heard the bathroom door start to open but I didn't wanna see anyone, so I quickly locked myself in the bathroom stall.
"I can't believe that bitch even TRIED to stand up to me! Like who does she think she is?", one girl said.
"I know right. And did you see what she was wearing? What grade is she in? Kindergarten?", another girl said. They both started laughing.
Who are they talking about? I thought to myself. I looked through the crack of the stall I was in and saw the girl that called me a hoe in the parking lot. They were definitely talking about me. I walked out of the stall, I wasn't having their bullshit today, "I think you need a breath mint with all of the shit you've been talking", I said.
"You don't know what you're doing asshole".
"Actually I know exactly what I'm doing. I'm standing up to a lowlife bastard. You need to get a fucking life you asshole. You're a nobody", after I said that I felt a stinging sensation on my cheek. She slapped me.
I jumped on her and she fell to the floor, I started punching her. We were full on fighting. Both of our noses were bleeding and her I had a black eye but that didn't stop us. Her punched were getting weaker and weaker.
"Okay. Okay! I'm done stop punching me", the girl said. I punched her one last time before walking back to class with a bloody nose.
I basically slammed the door closed when I walked into the class and all eyes were on me. Including Tayler's. He ran up to me and before he could say a word, "Go away Tayler, I'm not in the mood", I said. He walked away. I kinda felt bad but it's whatever.
             School ended and I didn't see the girl I fought earlier. I was putting my books in my locker when Tayler came up to me, "so are you gonna tell me what happened earlier or are you gonna keep avoiding me?", he asked.
"I fought the girl from the parking lot, it's no biggie. Now are you going to tell me why you were ignoring me earlier?"
"I wasn't ignoring you, I just wasn't talking to you", he said.
"Sounds like you were avoiding me", I shot back.
"I didn't wanna say anything I was upset".
"Because my parents kicked me out of the house because they blamed me for them fighting and now I have no where to stay!", he whisper yelled.
"You could've told me! You can stay at my house, I don't mind", I said.
"But I don't wanna do that and make things awkward. You barely know me".
"It won't make things awkward. I have a guest bedroom and we can get to know each other better if you stay anyways. It'll be fine", I was practically begging him at this point.
"Alright, alright! I'll go", he finally gave in.
"Perfect!", I smiled.

Love At First Sight // Tayler HolderWhere stories live. Discover now