Chapter 12: Monoceros

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    It was a great surprise to Hiroto when he was awakened the next morning by Mindy, who by some miracle had waken up before him.

"Hiroto..." She said softly as she shook him, "Wake up."

Hiroto opened his eyes and glanced over at her, she was already dressed and it appeared that she had showered already as well.

"What time is it?" He asked, sitting up and rubbing his aching back.

Mindy had healed his injured arm and jaw, as well as reducing the cut across his torso to a mere scar. But he still felt the pains in his muscles from his fight yesterday, even when taking his training into account it was more than he was used to physically. Speaking of training, he was more than likely going to have to put it off for the day, considering he had promised to spend all of it with Mindy. It was just as well, he definitely didn't feel up to it. Mindy looked over at the clock on the stove to answer his question.

"It's eleven." She said.

"That late?" Hiroto asked.

Suddenly it made sense that she was already awake.

"I knew you had a rough time yesterday, so I let you sleep in..." Mindy said with a frown.

Hiroto watched her for a moment, a lighter feeling building up in his chest.

"...let me take a shower quickly, then." He said as he got off of the bed, "I'm sure you have a lot planned for today."

Mindy made a surprised expression, the reason for which Hiroto was unsure of. But she smiled afterwards and moved to the couch, sitting down and turning on the television.

"Have you eaten already?" Hiroto asked, gathering some clothes together.

Mindy shook her head at him.

"Eating together is part of our date!" She said.

"Right, I guess that makes sense." He replied, and stopped himself when he got to the bathroom door, "Did you just say date?"

"Yeah?" Mindy tilted her head, not seeming to understand his reaction, "That's what it's called when a guy and girl go out together like this, right?"

Hiroto put a hand to his chin, he hadn't considered it like that. It had started as a way to appease Mindy after it made sense to let her think that it was a date if she wanted to.

"...let me get ready." He eventually said, and went into the bathroom.

When he was done with his shower, Hiroto got dressed and the two of them left the apartment together. He attempted to let Mindy take the lead, but she only walked beside him, a pondering look on her face.

"Where are we headed first?" Hiroto asked as he lit a cigarette, trying to get the day started.

"...are you hungry?" Mindy asked, glancing over at him.

"Are you?" He returned the question.

"I asked you first." She said, pouting at him.

"Well clearly you are, or you wouldn't have asked." Hiroto said, "I could eat, I don't mind."

"Let's do that, then." Mindy said with a smile, "Bacchus told me about this place that beak you?"

"Barbecue?" He corrected her, "I haven't had that in a while."

"Is it good? I haven't tried it..." She looked down at her feet as they walked.

"It's not bad. You're not very picky, so I think you'll like it." Hiroto said, before taking a drag of his cigarette.

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