Chapter 13: Scorpius

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    Hiroto's night under the fireworks hadn't gone quite as he had expected, having not initially thought that he would be confessed to by Mindy. But there he was, walking home with her after an entire day of spending time together. They had stayed a bit later than the other people who had watched the fireworks, and were completely alone as they made their way home. Hiroto looked up at the street lights, the only thing lighting their way as they occasionally walked through stretches of darkness between them. What would have been an awkward silence was filled with the hum of the city's electricity, as Hiroto tried to think of something to say. It was difficult, it wasn't as though he'd never been confessed to before, but it had never happened enough times for him to be used to it. He turned his attention to Mindy, who appeared to be having the same kind of feeling. Once the reality of their conversation had the chance to sink in, the atmosphere had changed considerably. It must have been much more difficult for her, he thought, as she had no memory of doing ANYTHING like that. The least he could do was try to ease the tension.

"Did you enjoy the fireworks?" Hiroto asked.

Mindy perked up, looking as though she wasn't expecting him to speak.

"Yes, they were very beautiful." Mindy said, "Thank you for taking me tonight. And...for everything you did today."

"Well..." Hiroto was about to argue that he was forced to by their agreement, "No problem."

Mindy leaned into him with a smile on her face, the air seemed to shift as they returned to their usual behavior towards each other. For a moment it felt as though perhaps things would quietly return to the way they'd always been. But Hiroto stopped walking when he heard something, some kind of shuffling coming from his right side. Mindy stopped as well, and looked over at him.

"Hiroto?" She asked, before her expression changed.

Hiroto turned to see what she had fixed her gaze on, and his eyes widened slightly as he saw who it was.

Their face was covered by a familiar purple hoodie, but their build and movements made it clear: it was the same man that had attacked them before. Hiroto reached into his bag and removed his bo staff, stepping between the man and Mindy as he assembled it quickly and with relative ease.

"I see you're better prepared this time." The man said, and Hiroto could only see his smirking mouth.

Hiroto didn't respond, only taking a stance to prepare for a fight.

"With no demigod to protect you, this ought to be much simpler." The man said, and charged forward.

His speed didn't appear to be all that impressive to Hiroto this time around, as he had seen similar movements during his time with Pan. Hiroto pushed Mindy out of the way and moved as well, allowing the man to pass them. As the man began regaining his footing, Hiroto swung the lower half of his staff towards the attacker's jaw, succeeding in striking him. The man wasted no time recovering, and charged at Hiroto with a clenched fist. Hiroto attempted to block, but it appeared as though it was exactly what the man wanted, as he grabbed the staff and pulled Hiroto towards him with it. Despite all of his training, his opponent still had the upper hand in terms of raw strength, and Hiroto's ears rang as the mystery man's fist connected with his cheek. He heard Mindy call something out, but couldn't make out exactly what it was. But her voice was enough to make him firmly plant himself to the ground and grip his staff tighter, twisting it in the attacker's hand. He took a gamble, counting on the grip his opponent had on his weapon, and used it as leverage to pull himself up, striking the man in the chest with his knee. The man staggered again, and let go of the staff, allowing Hiroto to continue his attack. He swung the staff at the side of the man's head, and managed to bring him to his knees. But as he attempted to strike again, the man used his position to slam his head into Hiroto's stomach. A wave of nausea overtook him as he clutched his stomach and backed up. But as he watched the man attempt to stand up, he knew he couldn't stop. Because this man would never stop either, he would keep coming after them. Until Hiroto was dead, and Mindy was in his grasp. So before the source of their suffering could get to his feet, Hiroto approached and swung the staff down on his head. And as he fell onto the ground face first, Hiroto swung again. Thoughts of Pan's words rang through his mind as he continued, about the world he'd decided to be a part of. About having to protect Mindy. He remembered the smell of burnt flesh hitting his nose, the urge to vomit that had never gone away. Those were the lengths that others would go to grasp just a hint of what the gods had. But Hiroto wouldn't let them, not with Mindy. He was brought out of his trance when he felt delicate hands pulling his own back, and a voice in his ear.

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