5| Today is the best day ever

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"awwwnnn" Hina gushed staring at her friend's reflection through the reflective glass of a boutique "you look so nice Ai!" She squealed giving her friend a side hug.

Hina was in an exceptionally happy mood today because Sagi, her long time crush, had asked her to hangout sometime so when Ai had nervously confronted her about accompanying her to see New age Yin-yang play she easily accepted.

Ai stared at her reflection, the manager at were she worked was nice enough to let her off early because she worked overtime sometimes so she had run home to shower and change. She was now dressed in a blue jean overall with short instead of long legs and a pair of black leggings and white long sleeved shirt underneath it with a pair of black combat boots.

Hina had braided her hair back in two cornrows since Ai suddenly felt like doing something nice and out of the ordinary with her hair.

"Let's go Ai" Hina tugged at her friend's arm, pulling her away from the glass "we're gonna be late you know"

Ai allowed her friend to drag her along as the walked past business establishments. Hina talked about the possible outcomes of hanging out with Sagi and what she'll wear and stuff she'll like to do with him.

All this talk about going on dates was starting to make Ai's mind wonder to Jin, would he want to go out with her sometime? Maybe he would, after all he did ask her to come watch him and his band play.

"Aaawwwwwnn" Hina gushed with her mouth agape examining the glow in the dark rubber bangle they were given after submitting their tickets as they made their way into the speakeasylike pub.

They walked down the stairs into the semi dark room filled with screaming people, they had made it in time before the show started. Ai was a little surprised that there were so many people out to see them, she never expected them to attract so much crowd. They were just a band after all, right?

The screaming grew louder as four figures appeared on stage, there were two girls and two guys all together. Ai and Hina had to push a little to get a better view of the stage. They were now close enough to see them.

Ai immediately recognized Jun who was in an all black get up. He had on a plain black shirt and ripped dark jeans with a silver chain hanging by the side, he was holding unto his guitar. Ai looked over to see a girl she didn't recognize with a blonde pixie cut standing behind Jin with a guitar as well, she had on a purple tank top and black leather miniskirt.

Ai slid her eyes over to find Katie, the brunette Jin had said was in the band. Katie was sitting at the drums and twirling her drum sticks between her fingers before doing a little drum solo that stirred up the crowd.

Finally Ai looked over to a guy with jet black hair in the style of a player's haircut, he had magnificent blue eyes and a bright smile as he waved at the crowd from the keyboard.

The crowd were now screaming the names of the band members.





Katie continued her solo as Yoshi joined in with his keyboard followed by Jana and Jun with their electric guitars. Ai guessed they were more of a rock band.

"Oh my goodness Ai!" Hina squealed "I now know why Jin looked so familiar" Hina said, she had been disturbing Ai about how familiar Jin looked and she just couldn't believe she couldn't remember where she had seen him before "his band made a huge hit like a month ago!" She squealed some more and Ai watched her friend bounce up and down as Jin's familiar voice began to sing.

"Today is the best day ever, today is a good day can you see"

"Sitting on a park bench, waving like it's Sunday, hoping I can see you sometime oöh"

"Every second counts like numbers under the limelight, never wanna let you go oöh"

Ai watched in awe as people screamed all around her while some sang along. The voices of the band mates blended so well together that Ai couldn't help the big goody grin that appeared on her face.

They were awesome, she thought but Jin was the best. She loved his voice the most, she couldn't take her eyes off him as he played on his guitar and sang into the microphone, squeezing his eyes shut sometimes.

He was awesome, amazing.. really amazing. The band played a few other songs but Ai liked the first one most. The show ended and there was screaming everywhere as Ai watched the band wave to the crowd before disappearing off stage.

"Ai!" Hina made her presence known again "come on!" She shouted in order for Ai to hear what she said before grabbing her friend and pushing through the crowd.

Ai wondered where her friend was tugging her to with so much energy. They disappeared into a passageway leading backstage.

"Where are you taking me to?" Ai asked still allowing her friend to drag her along by the arm.

"To see Jin duhhh!" Hina said turning to roll eyes at her friend "look!" She shrieked "there they are!"

Ai watched as the band members were about to enter through a door where a well built muscular man stood.

"JIN!" Hina shouted "JIN!" She shouted even louder this time and Ai blushed as the band members stopped to look at them while her overly excited best friend waved frantically like they couldn't see them.

"Hold it right there ladies" the burly man stood between them and the band members.

"It's alright Zia" Jin appeared from behind the burly man smiling directly at Ai "You came" he stated and grinned making Ai to blush.

"I'm Hina" the peach haired girl perked up at the sudden new attention from Jin. Jin acknowledged her with a simple hi before returning his gaze back to Ai.

"Do you want to come along to the dressing room?" Jin asked but Hina answered before Ai could even consider thinking against it. Jin's grin grew wider as they walk along into the dressing room where the other band mates were already waiting.

"Hey! It's you" Katie got up from where she sat and walked over to where Ai stood awkwardly next to Hina, the dusk of pink staying temporarily on Ai's cheeks.

"Jin invited you, didn't he?" She smiled at her and Ai just nodded not trusting herself to speak.

"I'm Hina" Hina piped up introducing herself and before Ai knew it her friend was chatting with the other band mates, Jana admitted she's seen Hina before and Hina dives into talking about her Broadway shows.

Ai awkwardly scanned the dressing room looking for Jin who now returns through the dressing room door again. Ai wondered when he had slipped out of the room and she hadn't noticed.

"Hey guys!" Jin said clapping his hand to get the attention of his band mates "good news, New Entertainment talent scout loved the show, they're willing to give us a shot!" He exclaimed making everyone else in the room whoop with the exception of Ai who just stood there and didn't know what to do with herself.

"Let's celebrate!" Yoshi exclaimed and they started making plans to go to a nearby restaurant to get something to eat but Ai only came here for Jin. She only wanted to spend time with Jin now.

"Do you want to sneak away and do something else" Jin said making Ai's eyes to grow wide like saucers "—together?" He added and a sudden new feeling of euphoria takes over Ai's features and she nodded returning a grin.

Jin grabbed her hand and they slipped out the door, past the burly man and out the back trying to escape the fans that were suddenly pouring into the hallway.

Ai got what she wanted and for once she was ready to give love a try. Ai thought back to the moment at the supermarket remembering that it was when love first came to her and she wanted every bit of it now.

Love Came in a SupermarketUnde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum