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So Love came in a supermarket is finally over but before I close it finally, I want to give a little background fun facts behind the story.

1. This book wasn't originally titled Love came in a supermarket, it was actually Mandy's rule of love but after a little thought over it I decided to change it because there wasn't exactly any rule of love.

2. The protagonist of the story didn't believe in love actually, she didn't even want to try her hand at it.

3. The story wasn't exactly written in five chapters, it was just one long draft. The prologue in this book wasn't there at first and neither were the last three chapters too. The story never exceeded chapter two.

4. Ai wasn't exactly named Ai. She went by Mandy and she wasn't twenty years old. Ai wasn't Japanese or Asian at all, she was more jovial and less quiet. Ai wasn't a Screenwriting student that worked part time at a Cafe instead she owned the Cafe. Ai was older in the original draft.

5. Hina was originally named Candy before it got changed to Hana during the redrafting then finally to Hina at last minute. She was neither Japanese or Asian, she did hate her mother's cat. Hina wasn't a Broadway actress, she didn't exactly have a specific job at all but she was a tad bit dramatic as seen in the book.

6. Maggie the cat has always been Maggie the cat but in the original draft Maggie wasn't gotten rid of. She has always been out to get her former owner's daughter.

7. Jin [my love ;-)] was originally named Jeremy I'm the first draft and he wasn't Asian. He didn't have a specific job and wasn't part of a band, neither was he a music performance student. Jin was the one originally hurt in the first draft but that got changed. Jin had blonde hair in the first draft and not dark purple hair and he never brought a girl to the Cafe. He asked for coffee not iced tea the first time he came to the Cafe.

8. Hina is actually a student at where Ai goes to school, she's an Acting major under theatre art.

9. There was never a band but because of my love music bands and Jin's new character traits, I decided that being in a band was perfect for him.

10. Hina did complain about someone she liked but who it was exactly wasn't clear to me. I actually planned that Hina was someone who went on frequent dates with different people because she wanted to find someone she liked.

11. The song Jun and his band played was actually created by me playing and pausing other music then using a bunch of tunes I heard to rearrange the song into something slightly reasonable. I can even sing the song.

12. The band's name was De Yin-yang before it was changed to New age Yin-yang. I couldn't come up with something really ridiculous so I stuck with it.

13. Ai ate Mochi in the prologue before it was changed to Onigiri at last minute because I couldn't come up with anything else.

14. Ai's mother is supposed to be a professor at the school where she studies but there was no mention of her dad.

15. Hina's lives with her dad, well more like in her dad's house since he's never around and they are pretty rich.

16. In the school scene, Ai was originally supposed to meet Jin and Katie putting up posters.

Well that all of it I guess, thank you so much for reading and getting this far.

See ya! :-*

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