502 Dollars are stolen

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"Get back here you theif!!" The staff shouted and chased the boy wearing all black, his eyes wearing shades with a black mask on.

"Ah shi-" Lami almost cussed as a boy bumped into her. They both fell down on the ground, flat.

"There you are!!" The staff took the boy's collar, his hoodie fell and so as his shades.

Lami's eyes got widened and stood up.

"Excuse me sir? May I know what did he do? He's my brother" she excused, the staff let go of the boy's collar making him stumble on the ground.

"Your brother?! Your brother is a rotten theif!!"

Her jaw dropped and looked at the boy again, "are you sure sir?" The staff nodded aggressively.

"Then I'll pay for the stolen things" she said and took out her credit card.

The staff smiled at her and glanced at the boy.

"That would be 502 dollars miss"

Lami smiled and gave him her credit card, she crouched down to the boy and took out his mask.

"I knew it, Jisung." She muttered, he looked at the groud, feeling guilty.

"I'm sorry" he spoke.

She shaked her head before taking his hand, helping him stand up. She led him towards the staff, she dusted his clothes as they walked in the store.

"Whatever the reason of your stealing is, don't ever so it again. Understood?" Lami sternly said and the boy nodded.


The staff handed Lami her credit card and smiled. The two walked out, Lami's hand still on Jisung's.

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