El paso

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The students looked at the screen as a title showed the words
El Paso

Todoroki sat on a counter of a store Izuku, Iida, and kirishima stood around the counter, Bakugo sat in a chair infront of the wood stove. Todoroki whore a cowboy hat and boots with a guitar as he started to play
"Out In the west Texas town of El Paso, I fell in love with a Mexican girl,
Night time would find me in Roses cantina, music would play and Yaoyorozu would whirl,"
"Is this a love song?"
"Blacker than night were the eyes of Yaororozu, wicked and evil while casting a spell!"
" oh my god it is!"
"Todoroki why didn't you say anything?"
"Just because something happens in this universe doesn't mean it happens in yours!"
"My love was deep for this Mexican maiden, I was in love but in vain I could tell!"
"What's he mean by that?"
"You'll find out!"
"One night a wild young cowboy came in, wild as the west Texas wiiii'iiiinds!"
Izuku, And Iida sang along
"Dashing and daring a drink he was sharing with wicked Yaoyorozu, the girl that I loved!"
"Oh what do we have here some competition, Todoroki?"
"So In anger I challenged his right for the love of this maiden, down went his hand for the gun that he wore, my challeng was answered in less than heartbeat, the handsome young stranger lay dead on the floor!"
NO, Todoroki would never do that in any universe, this is lying!"
"For a moment I stood there in silence shocked by the foul evil deed I had done, many thoughts raced through my mind as I stood there, I had but one chance and that was to run!"
"Perhaps someone would understand that it was a mistake!"
"He didn't have to run, he could have gotten a trial and a few years in prison!"
"I'm afraid not, Aizawa they would have hung him this is the Wild West!"
"Out through the back door of roses I ran out where the horses where tiiii'iiiieed, I caught me a good one it looked like it could run!"
"And we're add theft to those murder charges!"
"I mean I'd do the same thing in his situation!"
"Really problem child?"
"Up on its back and away I did ride, just as fast as I could from the west Texas town of El Paso, out to the badlands of New Mexico!"
(I'm not fixing that!)
"Wait so he's leaving Yaoyorozu just like that?"
"That's not very romantic Todoroki!"
"Oh just wait girls he'll prove himself!"

"Back In El Paso my life is worthless, everything's gone in life nothing is left!"
"Don't think that way Todoroki your life is never worthless!"
"Thanks Yaoyorozu!"
"It's been so long since I've seen the young maiden, fly live is stronger than my fear of death!"
"Wait my romance senses are going off!"
"What's he planning?"
"Isn't it obvious Aizawa?"
"I saddle up and away I did go riding alone in the daa'rrk Maybe tomorrow a bullet will find me, tonight nothing's worse than this pain in my hart!"
"Oh how romantic!"
"Alright no more talking!"
"And at last here I am on the hill overlooking El Paso I can see roses cantina below!"
"My love is strong and it pushes me onward, down off the hill to Yaoyorozu I go!"
"Off to my right I see five mounted cowboys off to my left ride a dozen or more! Shouting and shooting I can't let them catch me I have to make it to roses back door!"
"Something is dreadfully wrong for I feel a deep burning pain in my side!"
"Wait did he get shot?"
"I said no talking!"
"Though I am trying to stay in the saddle I'm getting weary unable to ride!"
"but My love for Yaoyorozu is strong and I rise were Ive fallen though I am weary I can't stop to rest!"
"I see the white puff of smoke from the rifle I feel the bullet go deep in my chest!"
"From out of nowhere Yaoyorozu has found kissing my cheek as she kneels by my side!"
"Oh god no, I wanted a happy ending!"
"Why did they have to kill him!"
"This hurts!"
"Cradled by two loving arms that I died for one final kiss and momo good bye!"
"Nooooo toodoomoomoo!"
"That was so manly!"
"Dude cowboy Todoroki is awesome!"
"I bet flirty Yaoyorozu was nice!"
"Shut up Mineta!"
"Hey I'm three feet tall in a country that commonly puts skirts in school uniforms you expect me to not be a pervert!"
"Good point!"
"I've never though it that way!"
"And if he was hot the fandom would be all over him!"
"Nothing ; )"

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 05, 2020 ⏰

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