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Walking at a steady pace, the brunette kept her head down as she tried not to get any attention on her. Shifting her eyes from shoes to shoes that hit the sidewalk, she slowed down her pace when arriving at her destination. Opening the door, the small bell signaled her arrival as the old man at the front desk looked up from his book.

A small smile formed on his lips as he recognized the teenager. "Stiles! I was wondering when you were coming." The lad said as the girl shot him a smile as she continues to walk into the library. "Hey Mr. Carter."

The elder man still had his smile on his face as Stiles stopped in front of him and proceeded to take out sandwiches from her bag. "Here I got us some sandwiches." She said as she pushed one to Mr. Carter and started to unwrap hers.

"Oh dear you don't need to do that. Here let me pay you back." He replied as he starting to turn around but Stiles was quick to reject, as he had already done enough for her.

"No! I me- I mean it ok you had given me enough. And what's a sandwich to letting someone live here rent free?" It was true. When Stiles first came to New York, she has nowhere else to go. She was able to survive on scraps that she found and sleep in cardboard boxes. Well that was up until Roman Carter had found her trying to sneak into the library when it was closing. Instead of sending her to the police, Roman Carter was kind enough to let her live in the basement in the library he owns.

Letting out a sigh of defeat, he nodded his head as Stiles let out a smile of relief. "Well I am going to read some of the unfinished books laying around. If you need anything Mr. Carter just ask." Stiles said as she swung her bag over her shoulder and grabbed the half finished sandwich and walked to the back of the library.

Putting her back against the door and forcing it open she turned around and begin to walk down stairs to her small room. Once at the basement door, she pulled out her key out of her hoodie and unlocks it. Closing the door behind her she let out a sigh, knowing that each day is going to be harder and harder for her to survive.

Although it has been around a month she had left Beacon Hills, she still couldn't find a way to get rid of the Nogitsune. Yet, on of the perks of living in a library is that she can check out as many books as she want, but she would always have to return them.

Walking to where her stack of books are, she open the most recent one she had gotten. All of her books are of the supernatural as she tried to gain any information to help her situation. Sitting down on the floor next to the pile of books, she placed her bag next to her with her sandwich on top. Flipping through the pages she got to the chapter she wanted: Kitsunes.

Kitsunes are Japanese foxes that contain paranormal abilities and are intelligent creatures that are able to shape-shift at will. The word 'Kitsune' mean 'fox' which as a characteristic are cunning as they are able to trick others with their abilities. As well as their...

Stiles continued to read the book as she took a bite of her sandwich, which was a little cold now. She continued to read until it got to the Nogitsune. Swiping her hands together to get the crumbs off, she put aside her sandwich on top of her bag so it won't get germs and put her full focus on the book.

Nogitsune, also called Yako, are dark Kitsune that possesses an individual's body for the purpose of creating destruction and chaos. In many folklores, whenever a human is tormented, deceive, and/or possessed by a dark Kitsune, the sinner is almost guaranteed to be a Nogitsune. Nogitsune are cunning as they will trick anyone and anything in order to bring violence to those around it. Tricksters at their core...

A loud knock at the basement door snapped Stiles out of her reading and cause her to drop her book in surprise. "Shit!" She whisper under her breath as she had lost her page. She quickly picked it up and swiftly started to flip the pages.

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