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Hearing the pages being furiously flipped to the point where there was a tearing sound, Marion groans as he is forced to wake up. Shifting his head to the sound, he saw Stiles sitting in a pile of books. Opened books were circling around her as she has a chewed on pencil between her lips as her bags were more distinguished due to the lack of sleep. Flipping his body, he got comfortable on her bed before staring at her again.

Seeming not to notice the attention on her, she quickly got her pencil and jotted down what seemed to be notes on the paper next to her. She flipped the pages in a flash and slammed her hand to on the book in order to stop the pages. Her eyes skimmed through the words, ignoring the ones that were irrelevant to her. Quick to get her now chewed up pencil, she wrote down what was important onto her paper.

"Ahem." Barely giving the boy a glance, Stiles could only focus on her work. "Ahem." Marion tried again although it was in vain as the sleep-deprived girl didn't pay attention to him. Knowing that his body had now recovered, he swung his legs over the side of the bed and walked where Stiles is.

While walking towards her, he accidentally stepped on one of the books, which didn't go unnoticed by Stiles. Taking out her pencil of her mouth and pointed at it Marion who simply looked at the book he stepped on. "Hey! Hey! Hey! Watch where you're going. This is valuable information."

Picking up one of the papers that had words crossed off and with question marks, he pondered why Stiles would need it.

- healing?
- glowing eyes
- abilities
• healing powers
• fangs/claws

Traits? Why would she write down the traits if she knows them? Marion thought as Stiles extended her hand to grab another book. "What is all of this?" He voiced his curiosity as the girl looked up to him. "Just some stuff that is important." Replying to her new roommate, she began to pick up the loose paper that is surrounding her. After picking up the crumble paper, she tried to align then before putting them on the stack of book next to her. Doing the same to the books, she folded the corner of the pages she was researching on and stack them next to the nightstand. Having three messy stacks, she scrambled onto her feet and used her fingers to untangle her hair before redoing into a ponytail. Now came the difficult part.

Having to show Mr. Carter a broken window and a random stranger.

Stiles sighed as she knew that she or well, they are going to get trouble no matter what way they see it as. Getting enough courage, she turned to her dresser and started to search for a shirt Marion could way. Spotting a yellow shirt with two black strips on the sleeves, she grabbed it and shut the drawer. She push the shirt into Marion's chest and walked to the metal door. Sighting once more, she began to walk up the stairs with her new roommate behind her.


Footsteps where heard as a well known person walked through the crowded hall trying to get to his destination. Arriving to the door, he pushed his hand to the palm lock next to the door. After getting his hand scan, the door opened, revealing the people who waited inside.

"You're late."

"I am fashionably late." A smirk appeared on the man's face, who is none other than Tony Stark. Staring at him with a stern look, Nick Fury look away to present them with the newest mission. "As I was saying, this is your new mission."

Pressing the keyboard, Maria Hill showed them on the projector. "Mieczysław Stilinski." A high school student who had the lacrosse jersey with the number 24 on it, who had her arm wrapped around a boy her same age with the number 11 on it.

"This one?" Tony pointed to the male figure in the picture. Instead of getting a response, Nick simply pointed to the female. "This one?" Tony asked one more, this time pointing at the female.

"Why a kid Fury?" Steve questioned as he crossed his arms, with uncertainty in his voice. "Because this kid is dangerous. Wherever she goes, trouble follows." Not believing in him still, Steve asked why. If a kid would be in trouble, wouldn't it be better for them to help? They could help her like with Wanda and Pietro.

"Let's start with freshmen year." Passing papers to Natasha, Tony, and Steve, Fury began to explain what had gone down. "Sheriff Noah Stilinski had received a phone call about a dead body in the woods, oddly enough, his daughter Mieczysław Stilinski was also found in the woods."

"It was later then discover that Stilinski and Scott McCall found the dead body at a old burn house of the Hales after unburying it. Ever since then, Stilinski had acquaintance herself with fugitive Derek Hale and always shows up on the middle of the mess."

Pulling up a picture of of a high school at night with a broken Jeep that is of a light blue color, Mieczysław standing with the boy from earlier with three other teenagers. "Only a few nights later, Stilinski, Scott McCall, Alison Argent, Lydia Martin and Jackson Whittemore where found in the Beacon Hills High School where they were attacked by Derek Hale allegedly. However, reports say that it was an animal instead. A dead janitor that has never been found with  the owner of the vet clinic being injured, which is suspicious enough. Interesting enough, her engine was ripped off her Jeep and thrown to the entrance of the school."

"It says that she made a bomb that went off in the sheriff's office." Natasha states as she read ahead. Tony looked at her with a shock expression as Steve had an unreadable expression. "So she is dangerous."

"Hold on now. She is still just a kid Nick she-"

"She let off a bomb that killed and injured several others. It doesn't matter if she is a kid, she is a killer Roger. Something that you shouldn't defending."

Both men had a staring contest, neither one backing down. Seeing where this is going, Tony sighed as he sat up from his chair. "So all we need to do is to get this girl right?" Staring at each other for a few seconds longer, Nick turned to the billionaire to answer him. "Precisely. Word is that she has been spotted in New York, meaning that it should be easier for you guys to track her." Turning around to exit as the presentation was over, Nick walked to the door. As it was opening, he turned one more time to face the Avengers.

"This is top secret. No information will leave this room."

Walking out, the swooshing of the doors closed. Silence over took the room, causing for Tony to speak once more. "Well, let's get going."


Authors' Note:

I'm sorry that it's a late update and it's a bit shorter but I want this chapter out as possible.

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Oct 25, 2020 ⏰

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