8: Kidnapped

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When I opened the door, I didn't expect that father will be here.

But it wasn't just him alone.

He had two bodyguards beside him.

"Hi my daughter" he said

I was going to close the door and run but it was too late.

One of his bodyguard grabbed me by the hand and the other used something and it made me dizzy.

Before I could say anything I passed out.

Wonyoung POV

When we ended the call, it was too late.

We saw Y/N getting dragged into a black car with no number plate on.

Yujin unnie and I went chasing the car but it went faster and faster, we don't even know where it went.

Our age cannot drive now or the police will come and find us.

So we were basically not knowing what to do.

We promised to each other we will protect her but I never felt so useless.

We decide to go back home and call all of our members and plan what to do since Chaewon unnie somehow knows what her father wants.

When we went back home we saw a panicked Chaewon unnie at the front door.

"UNNIEE" I shouted to her

She ran to me and hugged me and said

"Are you ok? Where's Y/N?" She asked

I looked down couldn't reply

"S..s..she g..got..t..took..a..away..b..by her f..father..u..unnie" said Yujin unnie

She sigh and guide us into her dorm.

It reveals a secret hidden place under her bed.

She opened a secret door under her bed and helped us to climb down.

She called someone while she ask us to wait and sit on the couch.

Me and Yujin unnie looked around fascinating yet worried about Y/N.

We never knew that Chaewon unnie have this kind of place.

After a few minutes.

We saw someone knocking on the door.

"Come in" said Chaewon unnie

When we saw who came in from the top, we were surprised.

It was Seungmin, Chan, Jisung and Hyunjin sunbaenim from Stray kids.

"Hey Chaewon" said Chan Sunbaenim

"Where is she now, did dad kidnapped her" said Seungmin Sunbaenim

"Oh girlsz forgot to introduce, Seungmin is our brother and we are all close to STRAY KIDS members too" explained Chaewon unnie

"Annyeonghaseyo sunbaenim" said me and Yujin unnie

"Quit formalities, just call us oppas" said Hyunjin while smiling.

We both nod our head.

Then Jisung oppa went to the computer and start to type something that I don't understand.

While Chan and Seungmin oppa talk to Chaewon unnie, that I guess was about the plan.

Hyunjin oppa went to the other computer and start to try and track
Y/N location I suppose.

After few hours....

It was already night time and Chaewon unnie said.

"Girls go sleep for now, we'll start to find her tommorow morning ok"

We was trying to denied that we didn't want to sleep but the others kept cutting us off.

We at last had no choice than to go and sleep.

Chan POV

We were trying our hardest and find where Y/N is but this is the hardest.

"Argg, why is this so hard now" said Hyunjin while banging on the table.

"Tst, seems like your father have grown and improved now huh" said Jisung while he struggles

"This one was harder than last time" I said

"Guys we gotta find her as soon as possible, I didn't tell you this but her trauma has worsen" said Chaewon

When Chaewon said that, we all stopped and looked at her.

"Shit, worsenn??" Said Jisung

"LANGUAGE" Shouted everyone

He apologize and continued to track while me and Chaewon and Seungmin talk about the plan.

"So the plan is that Chaewon, you and your members go into whenever that location is and find Y/N"

"And me and my group, GOT7 and BTS will fight all of his bodyguard" I said

"Do we need that many people though" asked Chaewon

"You never know Chaewon plus dad is now stronger than before, his army might have grown" said Seungmin

She nod her head and we all start to work out her location.


I woke up in a weird place.

A place that seemed old yet new.

I was busy looking around when suddenly.

"Seems like you have woke up my daughter" he said

"Don't call me your daughter you old man, don't think that I don't know what you want" I shouted while kicking things close to me.

"Wow, wow, wow, you CALL me father and NOT old man, you hear ME" he said while slapping me in the face hard.

"SHUT IT KIM JEONGGAN, YOUR NEVER MY FATHER" I shouted and spit on his face.

*Kim Jeonggan is just a made up name*

"YOU!!" He shouted and commanded his bodyguards towards me.

Next thing I knew he walks away and his bodyguards start punching and hitting me.

By the time they stopped hitting me, I was on the ground already, bleeding badly but I knew I could not cry infront of them or it will make me weak.

I thought it was over already but they went away to get a bucket of water and splash it on me and they kept hitting me non stop.

By the time they stopped, I was almost unconsious already.

All I hear was laughter and they walked away.

After they walked away, it was only me myself and I alone in this room.

I couldn't hold it anymore already and finally I broke down.

It hurted, everywhere in my body.

The pain would not stop even if I moved my position.

I just wanna stop this pain so badly.

"U..unnie..o..oppa...h..help..m..e" And that was the last thing I said before passing out again.

Next morning...


I felt another bucket on my face and I woke up due to pain.

"Morning...." said ???


Wonyoung x Fem Reader *DISCONTINUE*Where stories live. Discover now