11: Confess

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Wonyoung POV

Me and Yujin unnie have been months with Y/N, literally staying by her side.

Her recovery from last accident os perfectly fine now.

Today, she told us she have a basketball competition in teh afternoon.

Me and Yujin unnie didn't have anything so we told her we're gonna watch her.

I also decide today will be the day I confess my love to her, she might reject or she might accept.

When we arrived at the basketball court, we saw Y/N and her team stretching and practicing.

Honestly she looks so hot with that basketball jersey on, I never seen her so serious before, jeese Kim Y/N, what are you doing to me.

I then saw another team coming in which I think is Y/N team enemy as for today.

I looked closer and saw...them

"Oh no, unnie, look, don't tell me Y/N is going against red velvet" I told Yujin unnie while she looked over to my side

"What the..." She said

Then suddenly the whistle blew which means the game is starting.

We prayed that nothing will happen to Y/N since Red Velvet is her biggest bully.

The game went well and Y/N got hurt by Red velvet YET, the point was so close. Red velvet just need one more point to win while Y/N team is two points behind.

"Come on...come on"whisper Yujin unnie while she held her hands tightly.

Then I saw a comeback from Y/N team, her mates got the ball snatch from Red Velvet team and passed to

By the time she got the ball the time was 5 seconds left.

"Come on, Y/N you can do it..." I whispered

She head to the three pointer and shot it at the 3 seconds time.

Something wasn't right, before she shoot, Joy ran towards her and elbowed her which made her to the ground.

But luckily the ball went inside the hoop.


Whatever Joy did was a faul just now but at least Y/N won.

I was shock at the action Joy did, me and Yujin unnie ran towards Y/N after the whistle blew as a sign of end game.

Y/N teammates was beside her already, when we got there and went beside her.

She was on the ground holding her back growling.

"Argg, that hurt jesus" said Y/N

"Y/N, let's go to the nurse hurry" said Yujin unnie while carrying Y/N up and start running to the nurse.

I followed them behind after telling others to go home.

I gave a death glare at Red velvet before running towards to the nurse office.

They chuckled at me.

But I couldn't care less, all I care now is Y/N.


I'm now currently in the nurse room with Yujin unnie and Wonyoung unnie.

So the nurse put some things on my back and told me I just need to put an ice pack on my back and I can go.

"Hi unnies, did you see how well I played, I totally beat their ass" I said

"LANGUAGE" Shouted Yujin and Wonyoung unnie

I laughed and showed an apologetic face.

"Y/N, from now on, you can't do sports or any extreme activity without our watch" said Yujin unnie holding my hands

"Bu-" I said but was cutt of again

"Y/N, just listen to us once, your hurt again, you need to rest, if you do extreme activities, you just gonna hurt your back more" said Wonyoung unnie

I sigh in defeat.

"Ok Y/N, you can go home now, have a nice day" said the nurse

We all thank her and head back home.

Yujin unnie held my bags while Wonyoung unnie help me to walk.

When we arrive home, Yujin unnie said she's just gonna go to buy us some food.

So the dorm is basically me and Wonyoung unnie.

"Y/N, can I talk with you for a while" She said

I was confused of what she meant by that cause I don't remember doing anything wrong.

"Ok unnie" I said still asnwering her

She walked towards me and sat beside me, she held my hands and looked deeply into my eyes.

"U..unnie.are you ok?" I asked her slowly

"Y/N, I have been liking you since the day we first met, when you got hurt cause of me, everytime you get hurt, I just felt the need to protect you and love you, your such a cute person and pretty, I love you so much, more than a friendship or best friend, will you be my girlfriend Kim Y/N" She confessed

"I..I" I couldn't say anything due to shockness, I did liked unnie, but I never knew she liked me too.

"Its ok if you want to reject pup, unnie won't be sad" She said letting my hands go.

She was going to stand up when I held her back down.

"U..unnie..I..I..like.you...t..too" I said while blushing

"R..really" She said happily

I nod my head shyly.

"S..so.today is our first day right pup" She said holding my hands

I nod again still blushing.

She held my head up and kiss my lips.

I was shock at that but soon kiss her back.

"Let's watch some movies and wait for Yujin unnie ok baby" She said

"Ok Giant bunny" I said earning a pinch at my nose from her

"Cutee" I heard her whisper.

We cuddled on the couch while watching the movie.

"I love you pup" She whispered at my ear.

"I love you too bunny" I said back.


Wonyoung x Fem Reader *DISCONTINUE*Where stories live. Discover now