Chapter 3

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"Okay everyone, that's it for today. Don't forget to read chapter one by the end of the week!" Chloe called over her shoulder as she erased the writing on the board leftover from the class. She smiled at the various calls of "Bye Ms. Beale!" and "See ya Ms. B!" as the students filed out of the room.

Chloe sank down into her chair, turning away from the door and opened her calendar. After three straight sections of freshmen Biology, she finally had a break during the shortened period for electives. The younger students were forced to choose an art during this time, and the juniors or seniors could either take a class or have a free period. Chloe loved the emphasis that Barden put on the arts, offering electives in dance, choir, drama, drawing, painting, band, and even pottery. She briefly wondered if any of the students would be interested in A Capella, smiling at the memory of her old group from college.

She pulled out her phone to text Jessica, her best friend and roommate from college.

Chloe [11:05AM]: 3 classes down! Love it here but miss you!

She placed her phone on her desk and smiled thinking about how well her first day was going. So far she had only taught freshmen, but they were bright and energetic as they attempted to hide any first day of high school jitters. Chloe truly loved teaching. There was something about working with students and helping them master complicated material that made her feel like she was making a real difference. A gentle knock on her open door startled her out of her thoughts.

"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to scare you." Aubrey smiled apologetically. "I wanted to swing by and see how your first day is going. It can be a little overwhelming here."

Chloe gave her a wide smile, beckoning her into the room. "No worries, Bree! Please come in," she said warmly. "I think it's going really well. The students here are wonderful!"

Aubrey smiled replying, "Yes, most of them are very bright young men and women, and a joy to teach."

Chloe looked at her curiously. "Most of them?"

Aubrey frowned. "We have a few troublemakers here, none more so than Beca Mitchell. I already had to give her detention for the entire week after her behavior in my class this morning. You'll want to watch out for her, I believe she's in one of your AP Bio sections."

Chloe ran her fingers through her hair thinking over Aubrey's words, finding it hard to believe any of the students here could be that bad. Still, she didn't want anyone causing problems in her class. "I'll keep that in mind, Bree. Thanks for the heads up."

Chloe had been paired with Aubrey on her first day of orientation at Barden. Aubrey helped her learn the ins and outs of Barden throughout the week, and would be acting as her mentor during her first year. The two connected instantly after discovering their shared passion for teaching, music, and bad reality television. Having taught at Barden for 3 years, Chloe felt lucky to have Aubrey's knowledge to draw on, and peppered her with questions for the entire week. Aubrey also introduced her to several of the other teachers, and Chloe had felt less and less like an outsider the longer the week went on.

Aubrey yawned as she stood up checking her watch. "You're welcome, Chloe. Only one more class, and then Jesse and I want to take you out to lunch to celebrate your first day at Barden! Meet outside the front doors after 5th period?"

Chloe smiled replying, "That's so nice of you two! You don't have to do that."

Aubrey's face took on a mock-serious expression. "We absolutely do! Plus it's meatloaf day in the cafeteria, you don't want any part of that. Trust me."

Chloe chuckled before agreeing to meet them for lunch. Her phone chimed as Aubrey left the room, and she glanced down to see a new message from Jessica.

i dare you (bechloe)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang