~Chapter 13~

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Warning!Slight Gore and Violence ahead!
_(Y/n)'s p.o.v_

       "So,let's start with a few basic questions,"I spoke while looking at the blindfolded girl.Jeff stood beside me and a table filled with torture equipment."Who are you? Who do you work for?"I asked,then taking of the towel used to cover her mouth."I'm never going to answer to you criminals!"She yelled while struggling to escape.I smiled and looked at Jeff,who took a gun from the table and shot the walls,the girl screamed and trembled,"I-I'm was sent by the government!They asked m-me to do some research on the darkness and you guys!"She say with utter fear in her tone. "So the government has asked you to mass produce these darkness and kill us with them?"Jeff questioned while flinging the gun around.She immediately nodded and with fear in her voice,she spoke again,"They are planning to tame them and use them for war,the ones which roam here are all sent by them...I-I've told you everything! L-Let me go now!" "So the government is in on us BIG time,"Jeff said to me in a slightly worried tone,"We just might have to prepare ourselves,"He then looked at the girl,"Is there anything else?"He growled. "Chill Jeff,She's just doing her job,"I looked at Jeff and patted his shoulder. "Well,time to teach you dismemberment." Jeff chuckled and took his precious knife.I smiled and took mine as well as I sliced her throat open before Jeff does. "Hey! That was supposed to be my kill!"Jeff playfully glared at me and stabbed the girl's stomach,twisting it so more blood splats out as a tiny blood waterfall is created from her neck. "Oh god,Slender is going to kill us if we make a huge mess..."I facepalmed before shutting up and letting Jeff teach me about dismemberment,and also we let EJ in to take her kidneys away.

        After a few hours of teaching and experimenting,I finally found out how to properly dismember bodies.Jeff and I were a little tired but decided to go for some movies before we head to bed.We both changed our clothes and plopped down on my bed,He got us some popcorn as I chose something a little more romantic. "Seriously? Titanic? We've watched that for almost twenty times!"Jeff complained,putting the bowl of popcorn down and hopping into the little blanket fort. "Or what? You want to watch My little pony instead?"I replied while snickering at his grumpy face after that reply. Plus one mark to me!Hehe!I looked at him as he gave me a playful eye roll. He stuffed his mouth with some popcorn before starting the movie.

_Jeff's p.o.v_

   After 3 hours of dramatic lovey dovey stuff,(Y/n) fell asleep and I smiled.I placed her head gently to her soft pillow and turned off the light,exiting the room quietly.I walked down stairs to the living room when I saw Slender Masky Hoodie EJ Toby and Ben was discussing something serious. That's when I know that,things are going to be very serious...I walked over to them and sat next to Ben, "What's up?" I said while getting comfy. "We might have to do something about the government,"Slender started,"They do not know what they are using,these darkness can be the end of the world if used in a wrong way."He finished as he pushed up his glasses."We need to find someone to gain the government's trust and stop the whole producing thing."Ben suggested,"I can hack into their stuff but we still need much more info before we do that I said."Ben continued in the most serious tone he could get."Bruh,None of us looks like human,"Toby replied in an instant,"And we are the enemy,they probably know who we are and are very prepared for us."Masky added."As unwilling as it is,I have to declare this a war and must alert Zalgo."Slender sighed as he turns his head to the rooms of the girls."Aren't you and Zalgo-"I asked before getting interrupted by Slender. What the hell is with people in interrupting me?!Slender looked at me,"Well,this is a threat to both of us,"He replied as he crosses his arms,"And I'm quite sure that he cares about his proxies."He then looked back at us.We kept discussing the problem until the sun goes up.This is not going to be nice...


~698 words~

      War has been declared.Things won't be as relaxing as before...Thanks for watching and please give a vote ^^

                                                                                                                                                                           ~Kairii <3

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