Diary Entry #1: My First Day

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Dear diary,

Today, I was created by Burke Lapadura... at least this is what he told me himself. I don't know how but he told me that he programmed me in a way that I can understand written and spoken words, but can only express myself using written words. So I cannot make any sound like my dad (that's how I will call him, because he made me). He told me that I'm Guard 26.

After exploring around the lab for a while, I saw a rectangular thing that is kind of shiny, I walked towards it and saw a penguin like thing looking straight at me. I didn't know what it was initially, but after asking my dad, he told me that this shiny thing shows me how I look like. So I learn that I look like a penguin today... 

My dad also teach me that when I see that it is bright outside the transparent thing, it is day time; and when it looks dark, then it's night time. He asked me to write down the things I feel and learn every day at night time.....

From Guard 26~

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