Diary Entry #5: I want to find dad...

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Dear Diary,

It has been such a long time since dad left for the project. The sun appeared for more than 30 times... Even if dad is not around, I have been taking care of his laboratory very well. I make six strangers sleep in our gardens when they came in with a big bag.... and they never woke up. I usually just take them outside and let them sleep.... they must be tired...

Some time ago, a few other people wearing the same color clothes came into the laboratory. They held a small metal piece in their hands. What are they for? I went outside to the garden again with my wood. Once they heard me open the door, they started hiding. Are they bad people too? Then they started making loud noises with the metal thing. I didn't feel anything but they are annoying. So I made them sleep too.  From that day on, nobody came to our laboratory ever again. 

Now, I am the only one in the laboratory, nobody even comes close. I can focus on cleaning up the laboratory. But I really miss dad... Today, I decided that I should try to find dad. Maybe he need help with his project! I can clean the laboratory after I visit dad... I just want to find dad... Don't worry diary, I will still bring you together with me to find dad!

From: Bonbon

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 28, 2020 ⏰

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