...Y'all know what's happenin'

19 0 5

Thank you (I guess? Kinda?) frenchaligatorturtle.
1. Yes, and I hate that I do so much. I've been working on not, but old habits die hard.
2. Yes, but I'm not telling ya.
3. I like to play soccer but watch baseball or basketball.
4. Someone. I think I've toldja before.
5. My brother. It's weird, but we somehow get along a lot better then me and my other siblings.
6. Gremlin. (Don't ask.)
7. ??? What is this question?
8. Nope. But like, why do I need to date someone? I'm already married to books.
9. She/her.
10. Honestly, I don't. I don't really believe in soulmates or fate or destiny. I think everything happens for a reason. That's about it.
11. Slow speaking, grammar mistakes, people in general.
12. .... Let's not go there. I'm so freaking emotional it's sad.
13. Y'all.
14. Nope. Nope. Nope. I'm outta this question.
15. 3!
16. Reading (the main one), and baking.I
17. ??? Idk if I even have one.
18. Vampire.
19. Let's just not go into my love life please.
Let's tag... 10 people? Sorry if ya have been tagged before.

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