Blame Frenchaligatorturtle. Not me.

15 2 4

1. frenchaligatorturtle
2. oH wOw
- I'm an old lady because....
-I like cooking.
-I like baking.
-I like reading classics.
-I like knitting.
-And sewing.
-I love watching Alfred Hitchcock.
- I have three siblings, all older than me.
-These are super boring.
-I'm boring.
4. I'm too lazy for that, so I'll just tag a couple random amount of people. Sorry if you've already been tagged or been tagged before by me.
5. I would if I actually had a plot to spoil.

Yes, someone will die.
6. My life.
7. oH wOw
Love y'all, bye! >^..^<

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