Truth or Dare 1

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Ron sighs. "Uh, truth?"

Carrie smirks and Ron shakes his head. "No, dare."

Carrie rolls her eyes. "Is that your final decision?" Ron nods and she laughs evilly. "That was stupid. Okay, I dare you to kiss one person in this room. You can choose, and it can be anyone."

Ron blushes furiously and looks around the room. He stands up and walks to where Hermione is sitting. He quickly kisses her on the cheek and goes back to his seat.

"On the lips, Ron!" Carrie says in an exasperated tone.

"You never said that," Hermione argues, "Pick someone, Ron."

"Okay, Harry. Truth or dare?"

Harry looks conflicted for a moment and says...

What should Harry say? What should his truth or dare be? Tell me in the comments!

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