Truth or Dare 2

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A special thanks to BBsprkl for commenting and giving me ideas for this chapter!

"Truth," Harry decides.

"Dare it is!" Ron announces, and Carrie snickers in response. "Well, Harry, you know how Carrie is exactly your height? I dare you to allow her to dress you up in an outfit made ENTIRELY out of her clothes."

Carrie stands up. "Ron, when you say ENTIRELY, do you mean ENTIRELY?"

Ron smirks, "of course."

Carrie laughs and runs to the girl's dormitories. Now where is that skirt? Carrie usually wears jeans, but she does have a skirt. A skirt that is perfect for this dare.

When she finished assembling the perfect outfit, she goes back down to the common room. She hands Harry the clothes she selected and shoos him into the bathroom.
About four seconds later, he comes out, still in his pajamas, holding a bra. "Really? Is this necessary?" He asks.

Carrie laughs. "Of course, Harry. Ron did say your outfit has to be entirely from my clothes, didn't he?" She asks in an innocent tone.

"Unfortunately," Harry grumbles, going back into the bathroom.

Everyone else in the room stops trying to contain their laughter. "Nice touch, Carrie." Fred says.

She grins at him through her laughter, "I couldn't resist."

A few minutes later, Harry walks out wearing an outfit only Carrie could've picked out. His shirt is baby blue with a baby chicken with glasses and underneath has the words "I'm a smart chick, deal with it." The skirt is lavender with hot pink swirls covering it.
There is a blinding flash of light and everyone turns to see George holding Collin Creevey's camera. "You're welcome," George says, grinning.

Carrie grins back. She walks over to Harry and smells him. Everyone else looks at her like she grew another head.

"Ugh," she complains, "you smell like teenage boy. I'll have to wash these before I can wear them again." She takes her shirt off of him and as she smells it, George takes another picture. Carrie's head snaps up. "Am I in that picture?"

"No," George says, laughing, "all you can see is Harry in a bra and skirt."

Harry walks back to the bathroom grumbling. He puts his own clothes back on, and the game resumes.

"George," Harry says, "truth or dare? I'm going to get you back."

What do you think? Yay or nay? Comment ideas! I have a few of my own for the next chapter, but I know pretty much anyone else can come up with better ones.
Again, thanks to BBsprkl for ideas!

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