16 1 2

"Where were you?" Jin asked.

"At Jennie's house," I replied

"Why are you lying?" Jin raised his eyebrows.

"I..I'm not."

"I called Jessie a few minutes ago."


"Tell me where were you last night?" Jin raised his voice.

"Does it matter?"

"Of course it matters I'm your brother!" Jin shouted.

"Ok calm down, I'll tell you, I...I..I was at Taehyung's house."

"Whos that?"

"My prom partner."

"What were you doing at his house?"

"You don't need to know that."

I walked passed by Jin to go to my room, but Jin pulled my arm stopped me.

"Look, Chelise, don't compel me to complain to Dad."

"Stop blackmailing me, brother!"

"You obliged me to do so."

"Ok fine; I slept with Taehyung," I yelled.

'What the fuck! You slept with a guy who's not even your boyfriend?" Jin blinked.

"I know brother, but it happened unknowingly." I bent my head down.

Jin's face looked tensed.

"How could you do that?"

"I'm grown-up brother, it's my choice."

Jin looked uptight and at the same time was really mad at me. He spoke nothing after that and went out of the house.

I was confused and went to my room, got freshen up, took my breakfast and went to my college.

I was frustrated due to Jin. He should understand me , I'm grown up and now its normal for girls to stay out for one night.But Jin was protective of me. Since our parents got divorced, he was only one look looked after me. Dad came to home every three months and my step mom never really cares about us. She is married to my dad just for sake of money. My dad did a mistake here. All theses thoughts constantly came to my mind while I was on my way to college.

The moment I entered my classroom, Jessie came running to me with a radiant face.

'Chelise! I can't believe it!"

"Woah, woah..what's the matter? You look excited."

"Of course I'm! Guess who won the prom yesterday?"

"Who?" My eyes wide opened.

"Me and Jungkook!" She cried out of joy.

"What! Really?"

"Yeaaa....we did it!

"Awesome man! Congrats!" We hugged each other. "I'm so proud of you."

"Thanks, dear" Jessie greeted.

"And whos second and third?" I questioned.

"Second position was Namjoon and his partner and third Jimin and Sara."

"Like for real? Namjoon grabbed the second position?"

"Yeah he did though."

"Oh my god! I can't believe it."

"I was surprised too."

'I knew Jimin could win but Namjoon? How?"

"He danced great actually." Jessie replied.

"Hmm..what about me and Taehyung?

"Oh , what happened to him and you yesterday?"Where were ou? Jin called me. You know right."Jessie asked.

I rolled my eyes from her looked away, pretending not to listen.

"Chelise, I'm asking something where were you?"

"You wanna know?"

"Yeah, tell me."

"I was Taehyung's house."

"What!? Wai...."

"Stop! Now don't ask what was I doing there." I interrupted her.

"But why?"

"Leave it Jessie."

"C'mon you gotta tell your bestie."

"Whatever you think."

"I'm thinking that you two slept together am I right?"

I hide mine face in embarrassment.

"Is it true Chelsie? You slept with him?"

I stared at her and nodes my head.

"I knew it! But how did you manage to do that?" Jessie cheeks were glowing.

"It happened the way it should."

"But how you two ended up at his house?"

"Is it essential to tell you everything."

"You wont tell me ? Me? " Jessie glared.

"But it's embarrassing." I blushed.

'C'mon say me a bit." Jessie requested.

"Fine; so after the prom....."

I told Jessie the entire story, what happened between me and Taehyung.And Jessie couldn't believe me. She was shocked to hear it, she told I was the luckiest girl. But what did she meant by luckiest? I just got fucked as any girl would get.

To be continued.. :)

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