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"Excuse me! But I had other things to focus on, you see. Like studying hard to keep my scholarship and building a career. So, I did not have free time like you people here to experiment freely, and sleep around."

"Hmmm... so let me get this straight. You haven't had the time for a relationship because you were busy studying and building a career. Kudos on the scholarship, by the way. Yet, being gay, Kongpob and Arthit have maintained a loving, healthy, respectful relationship, while studying and keeping up their grades, and working hard to build their career. And I am sure the sex will be mind-blowing, seeing how clingy they are even after so many years. So who is the one who is missing out?"

Gin felt like he had been slapped hard in the face. What this queer guy pointed out was 100% right. How? How did two gay guys manage to be faithful? These guys were known for their free lifestyle.

"But... but... it isn't the same. It's different.."

"What is?"

"You know..."

"You mean sex? How do you know it's different? Have you tried it?"

"What rubbish are you speaking? You're getting personal now."

"You are right. I got personal, and I am sorry for that. You don't have to reply."

Gin was silent, while Toota gave him time to process it.

"Why do you guys do it? Don't you know, it's not natural? It's wrong. Why do it with a man, when you can do it with a woman?" Gins' curiosity won over his feelings of disgust. He wanted to know. What made Kongpob and Arthit tick? Why would two good-looking, normal boys choose to be together rather than girls? Toota he understood. There was something wrong with him, judging by his body and behavior, so he did understand. But why Arthit and Kongpob? They looked normal and healthy.

"Why do you do it? Fall in love with girls? Have sex with them?" Toota asked. It was time to stop playing and start educating.

"Because we feel like it. We are attracted to them!"

"Same buddy. It's because we feel like it. We are attracted to guys. We fall in love with guys!"

"Yeah? Loving is easy for you. Seeing how you hook up almost every day with a new person."

"Aren't there straight people who do that as well? Men who believe women are notches on their bedpost and go through as many as they can, as a show of their masculinity, which by the way is toxic. I have a theory. Such men who feel this incessant need to sleep around with multiple women, to feel 'masculine', maybe are gay, and are doing this to suppress their latent homosexuality. They are too scared to face this truth about themselves, so this is their coping mechanism. Avoidance. Overcompensating."

"That's preposterous!"

"You think so?"

"Yes!" he replied, rather vehemently.

"Hmmm. Interesting!"

"It's normal! When there are beautiful women, anyone would want them. But you guys, you do any guy you see in front of you? Tsk!"

"Are you attracted to every woman you see on the road?" 

"Of course not!" he barked.

"That's the same with us. We don't fall for every guy and hump them. Like every sane, normal adult, we believe in consented sexual contact. I have been friends with Arthit and the gang for 6 years now. So going by that theory I would have humped all of them, just cuz I am gay and have 'no control'."

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