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Yami groaned as he walked through Finral's portal. The mission had been a success, but that didn't mean it hadn't been draining. In fact, it almost hadn't been a success, not that Yami would ever admit that. Nevertheless, he was absolutely exhausted and honestly thrilled to see his bed soon.

"Hey Captain," Finral said nervously, "just thought you would want to know, but the Praying Mantises have the day off tomorrow," he informed the captain.

Yami rolled his eyes in response, "Is she already here?"

"Uh, yeah, you know we can't really keep her out. I really tried, those bugs creep me out though," Finral responded.

Yami ignored Finral's response and dragged himself up the stairs to his room. He hesitated before opening the door, took a deep breath, and then turned the handle.

"You know, some people get paid to get bugs out of people's beds," he said to the lump under his covers. He turned to put his katana on the dresser and almost jumped at the beady eyes staring up at him. "Why do these guys have to come with you every single time."

A laugh came from underneath the covers, "You know I couldn't leave them at home if I tried." A hand reached out from under the covers to hold a finger up to a moth sitting on the headboard. The delicate creature accepted the offering and climbed onto the extended hand.

The lump under the covers shuffled to reveal a mass of tangled blonde hair and dark green eyes. She smiled up at Yami, "Don't try to pretend you're upset I'm here. The positives of me being here outweigh the negatives of having two little bugs in your room."

The large man just gave a grunt in response and dragged his eyes over the girl in his bed.

"It wouldn't hurt for you to give me a little warning, bug-eyes," Yami eyed her bare shoulders, realizing she was shirtless under the covers.

"Was my telling Finral not warning enough?"

Yami sat down on the bed next to her and the girl shimmied herself around so she was laying with her head in his lap. Unbothered by the exposure of her upper body, he began to comb his fingers through her hair.

"How long now have you been after me, Reina?" He asked the girl.

"Probably about 6 months," she responded.

"And when did you decide you were going to start staying the night?"

"It's been three months, but you stopped complaining like 3 weeks ago."

"And when did you stop sleeping with other people?"

Reina's silence was telling. She had a reputation of sleeping around, but it had never bothered her until Yami brought it up. Of course, it wasn't like he wasn't hooking up with other people too, he just wasn't as showy about it.

"Personally I think that's a discussion we save for later. Especially since you know for a fact that I'm not sleeping with you," Reina joked with him, a little nervous about his response.

Yami just sighed and smiled down at her, "What did I do wrong that the tramp of the Magic Knights won't sleep with me?" he joked back.

"You know why. I told you, I actually like you, and, as much fun as it is to hop on everything that moves, I want a relationship with you. There is zero doubt in my mind that it's going to be hot as fuck when it does happen, but I don't want this to be over once it actually happens."

Yami was slightly taken aback by the seriousness of her answer. His hands moved from Reina's hair as he began tracing incoherent shapes on her stomach and chest. The intimacy that had built up between the two over the past few weeks was like nothing he'd ever felt before, yet both of them were holding out, afraid of the disappointment a relationship could bring.

Reina senses the mixture of tension and relaxation in the air as she melted under his touch. She wasn't used to being touched without and ulterior motive until she had become interested in Yami. Sure, he was harsh and vulgar most of the time, but so was she, and behind closed doors was where both of them thrived.

Yami finally spoke, breaking the tension in the air, "So," he started, "how many of my squad members have you slept with?" He decided to go back to joking with the girl.

Reina laughed as she pulled herself out of his lap and settled back in under the covers. "Four, bonus points if you can guess which two were at the same time," she teased.

Yami just flopped down into the bed, turning to give her a soft kiss before positioning himself facing away from her.

"How many of my squad members have you hooked up with," Reina poked him in the back.

Without turning over Yami yawned and answered, "You are aware that your squad is mostly men, right?"

Reina just laughed again and got comfortable under the covers. She moved towards Yami and placed a light kiss on his shoulder before resting her forehead against him and drifting off to sleep.

I have no idea where I'm going with this story other than them getting together. I don't expect it to be very long and in case anyone was interested the squad member were Magna, Finral, Zora, and Vanessa.

Wanton (Yami Sukehiro x OC) Where stories live. Discover now