Chapter 13: #BUSTED

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Question of the chapter: Favorite character in THIS story, so far?

Told you I'd get another one out! Sorry about the long wait though!

Remember to vote and comment! Love you guys!

"I'm coming! Jeez!" Mia yelled, making her way to the door. Her hand was around something on her side, but Jack couldn't see what it was from under the couch. William had told them all to hide, in case it was Mr. or Mrs. Queen, or anyone else they didn't need to see. Cece was hiding in the closet with Juliet, and Tommy and Elena hid somewhere in Mia's bedroom. Jack was by far the smallest out of all of them, so he was able to squeeze under the couch. It wasn't very comfortable, but it worked.

There was a creak as the door opened. Jack held his breath, fearing it would give him away. "Oh, hi Dad!" Mia greeted Oliver Queen nervously. "William's here, too."

"I didn't know you would be here, William." Footsteps approached Jack's hiding spot. Mr. Queen sat down on the couch, above Jack. Every heartbeat, every breath seemed louder than usual.

"Yeah," William started. "Mia and I were actually just catching up, but I can leave."

Oliver laughed. "No, it's alright! I just came to have a cup of coffee with Mia before I left for Central City, to visit Thea, but it would be much more fun with the both of you!"

"I'll make some now," said Mia. "Did you text me? I didn't see anything."

"Yeah, I thought I texted you yesterday." Mr. Queen stood up and went to sit at the round table Jack and his friends were just sitting at moments ago. The family talked for what felt like ten minutes before Oliver brought up the kidnappings.

"Have you found any leads on Ouroboros?" He asked, sipping his coffee.

What? Jack thought to himself. Why would Mia and William be investigating Ouroboros by themselves?

"No," William laughed nervously. "No, none at all."

From his hiding spot, Jack heard Mia cough, most likely trying to signal William to stop talking.

"Okay, that's it." There was a soft thump as Mr. Queen set down his cup and stood up. "What is up with you guys?"

"What do you mean?" Mia asked. Unlike her brother, she was good at keeping her voice level and was an even better liar.

"Oh, please! I'm your dad! William, you're sweating, which means you're nervous about something. Plus, you're a really bad liar. It took longer than usual for Mia to open the door, and when she opened it, she had her hand over her gun. Unless something had put her on edge, she wouldn't be worried about it. Mia keeps looking towards the couch, which leads me to believe that if I look under it, I'll find something the two of you were trying to hid from me."


The sound of Oliver's footsteps grew louder and louder as they made their way closer to Jack. Closer, and closer, and closer. What was he going to do? Should he run? Should he fight? Before he could make a decision, Jack came face to face with Oliver Queen.


"Hello, Jack. How about you get out from under there."

Oliver Queen was the most intimidating man Jack had ever seen. His hard eyes and large build reminded him of a shark. He knew the man had to be agile, he was the famous Green Arrow, after all. Oliver was wearing a suit (not his Green Arrow one, a regular business suit) and his short blonde hair was graying. After struggling to get up, Jack faced Oliver, who was towering over him.

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