Akira continues training

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  It has been a month and Akira has been training with Alito. "I think you're ready to face me in hand to hand combat." Alito said with pride. "You think. I know I have been training for a month." Akira said. "Don't worry and don't hesitate. Hesitation will lead to defeat. So keep fighting even if you lay a hand on me." Alito replied.

  They went to the indoor boxing ring and they began going head to head. Alito obviously had the upper hand and won. Alito helped Akira up off the ground and said. "That wasn't half bad better then Nash I believe." "I heard that Alito." Nash said as he peered his head through the door and left. "Thanks I came close to beating you." Akira replied.

  "You did but with the wolfians close won't cut it. One wrong move and your going down." Alito said. "So do you have a tips that moght help." Akira added. "Well if you also used your legs you wouldn't just be punching but kicking too." Alito replied. "That's actually not a bad idea." Akira adds.

  So Akira and Alito go back to the punching bag and Akira starts to hit and kick the bag.

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