Akira's victory.

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  Akira finally gets to go against Alito again and wins against Alito. "Nice job Akira you won so do you think you can beat Garog?" Alito asks. "I am not sure about that Alito." Garog says as he walks in. "I can take you on Garog." Akira adds. Garog steps into the ring and says. "You sound confident but can you show it."

  Akira gets into a ready position along with Garog. They go head to head in combat. The barians walk into the gym to watch. "I can't believe Akira is actually beating Garog. Your training payed off." Marin says. "It didn't pay off on Nash though." Alito replies. Everyone starts laughing. "I just better with swords!" Nash yells. Then they heard someone hit the ground it was Garog. Akira had won against Garog. "I underestimated you Akira." Garog says. "Like they say don't judge a book by it's cover." Akira replies.

  Then Garog whispered into Akira's ear. "I pretended the punching bag was Nash." He whispered. Akira starts to giggle at Garog's secret. "What's so funny you two?" Nash asked. "They stop laughing at once. "It's nothing Nash." Garog answers. "Uh huh. Garog did you pretend thr punching bag was me?" Nash asked in am angry tone. The two of them run off trying to find a place to hide. "You can run but you can't hide." Nash says running after them.

  They ran outside and hid in the bushes. Nash had everywhere inside so he went outside and looked in the bushes. Once Nash found them they ran him around the palace until he caught them. "You guys think it's funny to make fun of the barian leader. Not on my watch." Nash yells as he grabbed their ears and dragged them inside.

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