the final battle

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  The next day Alito heard a knock at the door Alito answered and found a package for him at the door step. "It doesn't say who it's from." Alito thought. Alito brought the package to his and Caswell's room and opened it.

  There was some sort of gadget and a letter. The letter said. Dear Alito, I am a fan of you and the gadget I sent is so we can call each other. So call me as so as you get this. Sincerely secret admirer. Alito then turns on the gadget and see a person in the call list he taps the name and a hologram of his old friend appears.

  "Muna it's you. I thought I lost you." Alito says. "Alito I have been studying the wolfians and they want more then barian world." Muna adds. "I'm listening." Alito replies. "The wolfians want astral world too." Muna says. Alito is speechless after hearing this. "Alito we must tell the other barians now call me back when you are with them." Muna adds. Alito nods and hangs up to get the barians.

  "Everyone there is something important that you need to know now." Alito shouted as he entered the main hall where every one was. "What is it Alito?" Marin asked.
Alito pulled out the gadget. "I got a package today from a old friend of mine and we have something you need to know." Alito said as pressing the name on the gadget. "Hello barians I am Muna and the wolfians want yours and astral world how do I know cause I have been studying them." Muna added. "So our world isn't the only one in danger." Nash stated.

"Correct Nash." Muna replied. "How do we stop them?" Dumon asked. "That I don't know but I am actually in barian world and I am outside of wolfian palace." Muna says. "So you've been here studying the wolfians." Mizar says. "Yes I have and I have my hiding spot so no one sees me. But I must go before I am heard by the wolfians." Muna says hanging up.

  "So how are we gonna protect astral world and our world?" Marin asks. "We fight with everything we got no hesitation." Alito says with pride. "Alito's right we can't hold anything back." Niya adds standing by her brothers side. The rest nod and prepare themselves for battle.

  "Akira just a heads up if your sword gets knocked out of you hand use hand to hand combat." Alito says to akira. "I will." Akira replies. Then the barians are ready but they hear the wolfians outside. The barians run outside to see the wolfians ready for battle.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 29, 2020 ⏰

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