Chapter 15 - Better

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It has been a week since the incident. Dan had insisted that a doctor had to come over to give me a check up. You know? All that stupid fluff to make sure the marks were not gonna be permanent and luckily, they weren't. The large bruise that had been on the side of my face had faded into a lilac colour, meaning it was getting better. I hadn't gone out either. Dan and Phil just made me stay in my room (which was the nerd room) to rest up, with a supply of painkillers and Coca Cola (Coke always make you feel better. Idk. Try it!). It wasn't until yesterday they started to let me wonder around the house because I started to loose all feeling in my legs and kinda forgot how to walk. The perks of being me. Note the sarcasm...

I was in the living room, sitting next to Dan as he replied to different tweets and shit like that. It was nice, just being curled up to him. He had one arm snaked across my body and the other was working away at his laptop. Phil was in his room, probably editing an old video. 

I switched on my phone and logged into Twitter. Looking through my feed, I saw SO many comments asking where I had went and why my video hadn't been uploaded. Oh shit!! All my fans knew that I was incredibly punctual with my videos and that I always uploaded, even if I had Ebola or something. 

I sighed, tapping on 'Create a tweet' and typed the following:

Hey my little stalkers! <3 Sorry but there will not be a video coming out this week :( stuff has come up and I can't do it but will promise that there will be one next week. Love you all xxx

I sighed again.

"What's up?" Dan asked, obviously indicated to my continuous sighing. 

"The ceiling." I said, plainly. I heard him groan at my awful comeback.

"Really? That joke is older than the internet." He stated.

"So is your mum but you seem to still like her." I winked and he quietly chuckled at that.

"Okay. That time was funny."

"Why, thank you, kind sir." I bowed a weird bow because of my sofa position. Just then, the doorbell rang. I looked at Dan with confusion and he had the same expression. I was pretty sure we weren't expecting anyone around.

Dan got up, me closely following him, bounded down the stairs and made it to the door. He opened it and standing there was PJ and Chris. They immediately saw me and rushed in, tackling me into a hug. I was greatly taken aback but laughed at their enthusiastic actions.

"Oh my goodness, Pixie! I can't believe it! O M G! I'm so glad you are okay-" They both rambled on.

"Woah, woah, woah! Slow down!" I laughed. They came away from their hug and just looked at me. It started to get awkward so Dan piped up and said that we should go upstairs. We obeyed, following him up the stairs and into the lounge. We all sat down on the sofas; me sitting next to Dan and Peej and Chris on the opposing sofa.

"How come you are here?" I asked then.

"I heard news from Chris and we were desperate to see if you were okay all week but couldn't get hold of you!" PJ gushed. 

"How could you not get hold of us? What about phones?" Dan queried. 

"That's the thing! It just wouldn't work." Chris said. I then thought. Could it be her? But if so, why?

"Well, you're here now." I smiled and they smiled back.

"We can't stay long but wanted to know everything! If that's okay, of course." Chris asked. Dan looked at me with worry but I nodded, meaning that it was okay. He took my hand in his and rubbed circles on the back of my hand. I breathed in and started to tell them everything. What happened at the party. How Dan saved me. How he took me back to the apartment. Luke leaving and everything that had happened this week in a brief summery.

"And that leads to now." I finished, lightly touching the large bruise on my face. It didn't hurt anymore but I felt the roughness and memory of it. They just looked at me and stared. No words.

"I am so, so sorry..." PJ whispered, barely audible. I shook my head.

"PJ, it's fine. I'm fine. Everything's fine." I smiled. They both hugged me but this time not in a tackle. They gave their apologies of leaving so soon and me and Dan waved them out. I sighed as he shut the door and made our way back upstairs. 

"You want anything to eat?" Dan asked, taking my hand in his and intertwining our fingers. I shook my head no. I didn't have an apatite right now. He nodded in response. 

I made it to my room and decided to text Luke. I had texted him quite a bit over the week.

Hey! How are you?? :) - Pixie xxxxx

Hey!! I'm good thanks (: just went to go grab groceies. How are you? Are you feeling better?? - Luke xxxxx

Cool. I'm fine. Feeling much better thanks :) xxxxx

Great! How's danboy and the philster? xxxxx

there good! Treating me like a baby but Idc that much ;) xxxxx

that's because you are one ;) xxxxx

Oh Thanks!! I just love that... xxxxx

Ik you do ;) xxxxx

We talked for a while longer before he had to go back to his house. It then struck me that I had known Dan and Phil for almost six months. The thought was comforting. We had grown to be such good friends and me and Dan? Well...we hold hands and cuddle together but that's as far as it really gets. I gets it's a 'just friends' thing. Ah well...

I walked into the kitchen to find Dan making food for himself and Phil. 

"Yo." I said. He smirked. Oh god...his cocky smile kinda turned me on...don't judge.

"Hey." He said, turning back to making sandwiches. "Sure you don't want anything to eat?" I nodded and he half smiled but immediately stop as he turned back.

"Are you okay?" I asked, concerned. He looked back to me.

"Yeah, why?" 

"You seem uneasy."

He sighed, putting down his knife and looked into my eyes. I stared back into his gorgeous, chocolate eyes. 

"I just worry about you, that's all." He sighed. I hugged him and he hugged back. 

"I'm fine." I chuckled into his t-shirt.

"Okay." He breathed. We pulled away, only for Phil to be standing in the doorway, looking at us, smirking. "Oh, shut up."

"I didn't say anything!" Phil laughed. Dan rolled his eyes but smiled. I slipped past Phil but only for him to grab my wrist and spin me around but out of view from the kitchen.

"What's up?" I asked him. He just kept smirking at me. "What?!"

"You like Dan, you like Dan." He sang. I scowled at him only for him to squeal "No way! You do, you do, you do!!" I tried to shush him but he only jumped in circles, acting like a seven year old. I finally gave up and turned back to my room but Phil whispered:

"I won't tell." 

I smiled.

"I never said I did..."

Wink wink, nudge nudge. ( ;) )

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