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- Belva -

As the light calming wind blew, birds were singing. Splashes of water were made. The ray of the sun hits towards my face. My eyes blinked just to adjust to the brightness of the beautiful light. Around were freshly cut grass that were filled with gorgeous flowers. There was laughter from the distance. I followed the trial of rocks.

Soon, there they were. My loving parents. They seem... to be in peace. "Mother? Father?" The looks of their eyes filled with happiness. Tears of joy fell from my eyes as I walked up to them. This isn't possible. How? "Belva dear, oh how we've missed you so much." My mother still looked perfect as always. I gave both of the most important people of my life a hug. They let go of me and looked at me like I wasn't going to see them ever again. "We love you."

Slowly, they were getting farther and farther away. "No, please!" I cried as I fell down into a dark hole. Everything around me soon turned black. "Hello?" My voice echoed. I ran and ran hoping I'll find a way out of here. It felt like I was running in circles. I'm stuck... in this cold place. I soon gave up and wondered how I got here.

"Funny seeing you here." Footsteps we're getting closer and closer to me. A breeze was the only thing I felt here in this strange place. I turned to look at my worst nightmare. There was also a man. They both were in front of me looking me up and down. "You look just like your mother."

Rage was all I felt at this moment. I should've known. That scent... when I first smelt in my house... at the party. He was the son of my mother's killer. I screamed all of the pain out that I've been holding in and they vanished into thin air. How am I going to get out of here?

- Payton -

I heard a loud noise coming from Belva's hospital room. The machine was going off like crazy. Her heart is decreasing every second. I've got to do something. I can't lose her. The boys and Faith came into the room as I was standing next to Belva's shaking body.

"What are we going to do?! We can't let her die!" Faith was now crying holding Belva's hand. "The only way we could save her is if we all use our powers." I looked at all of them and they were ready. We all formed a circle and held hands as we let each of our powers create a big ball of energy going inside of Belva.

The machine then went up to a normal rate again. We all fell from exhaustion and were expecting to wait Belva to wait up by now but she wasn't. I went up to shake her and got no response. It should've worked, why isn't she waking up?

Tears streamed down my face as I hugged her close to my chest not letting her go. The door bursts open filled with doctors and nurses. They told us to wait outside but I didn't. I had to be pulled away from everyone. Then a doctor came out saying "She's alive but..." "But What?!" I yelled coming closer to the doctor but my mom pulled me back.

"But she's in a coma and I'm not sure when she'll be awake. It can take weeks or even months. That's all, I'm sorry." He walked away to go back into another patient's room. I broke down and slammed my fist onto the wall. What am I going to do without her?

- Ms. Moormeier -

Everyday, my children and their friends including myself had been checking up on Belva. She still hasn't woken up yet. Everyone was all a mess, especially my son Payton. I had no idea why he took it harder than all of us.

Was it because he broke a promise from Mr. Hendrix? Or maybe... because he started to develop feelings for her? For the past 3 or 4 years, I've noticed they haven't been the closest.

I remembered the last time Payton was heartbroken by a girl. She wasn't just an ordinary girl, she was a vampire not a human. He was a happy kid, but ever since they broke up, Payton avoided catching feelings for anyone. I tried to cheer him up like every other mom would do.

It wasn't the easiest thing to do let me tell you that. He got his stubbornness from me. To see him cry again just breaks my heart. There wasn't anything else I could do but to be there for my son. "Kids, it's time to go." They all look at me with pleading eyes. As much as I wanted to stay here and check up on Belva. Visiting hours were almost up for us.

"But-" "We can always come back tomorrow Payton." He looked back at Belva and gave a kiss on her forehead. I smiled knowing how much of a great boyfriend he'll be for Belva. We soon left the hospital to go grab a bite. The kids and I hadn't eaten anything since the morning or afternoon.

I treated all of us with our favorite type of blood. We all quickly barged into jail and sucked all of the prisoners' blood and sprint back into the car. Yes, we only drink the bad guys' blood and from animals. The good human beings that died, were the bad vampires doing.

No matter how many times we good vampires tried to save the good humans, we were always late by trying to find where they would be at. We all had to live with not saving them... forever. So when I hired Mr. Hindrix to become my assistant, he helped my job become even easier.

Now that's he gone, I had trouble finding someone like him. Lately, there haven't been any bad vampires roaming around. It was odd but let's just wish that it's my luck that I don't have to deal with them... yet.

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